People always giggle about how I seem to find strays at least a few times a year. Yeah, I guess that is kind of funny. They're normally ugly, and I normally end up keeping them. On a more serious note, if I don’t care for them, who will? That’s a sad thought. It’s sad to think that something so innocent and kind is so easily forgotten. I guess everyone has a heart for something. Mine just happens to be for little critters.
When someone says, “We don’t have any pets”, I think: How unfortunate. I’ve never not had one; most of the time, I have too many. They bring so much joy and love to a home. My dogs greet me at the door, they know when I am sad and they never judge me. If you think about it, a dog truly epitomizes what every human should strive for- unconditional love. Ideally, they're everything one should search for in a soul mate. Ha.
They are patient. When they are tied up outside of the grocery waiting for their master, they wait for hours. Even days. They will not question what took so long, or scold their master for buying something that they already had enough of. No matter how uncomfortable the wait was, or how scared they were, they greet their owners with open paws.
Animals are forgiving. It’s easy to hold a grudge when someone forgets to let you outside, causing you to potty in the house. Looking at this in perspective, nothing will ever be your fault in a dog’s eyes. If anything, they’ll be upset that they disappointed you. Their rebound rate is quick.
They are compassionate. They say dogs sense things before people do, and I find that to be accurate. They always put themselves second just to make sure you're okay. If you're ever crying, you can almost count on your dog being the very first one to come to your rescue. They simply live to please.
Animals are loyal. Yeah, they enjoy a few head scratches from a couple of strangers, but, in the end, you're the only one for them. They’ll accompany you on your morning walk at 6 a.m. on the leash, and they’ll also support you on the couch on lazy days. You'll never find a dog cheating on it's master- don't you wish the opposite were true?
You see, dogs are more than just pets. To me, they're a constant reminder of unconditional love. They know nothing else. I urge you to appreciate the animals that surround you. I also urge you to rescue one- and I assure you, they will spend their entire life thanking you. They are a gift, and will teach you something new every day. If we all loved like animals love, this world would be a better place.
There is a quote that I’ve grown to love that states, “An animal is just a part of your life, but you are their whole life.” This is the truth. Love them, and they’ll love you bigger. How awesome is that?