It is currently the middle of the Fall season, or Autumn as some prefer to call it. This is personally my favorite time of year. It's not too hot or too cold and when the leaves change colors and start to fall, I find it the most beautiful time of year. Summer, Winter, and Spring also have their own aspects that make us love them...but there is just something so uniquely special about Fall.
First of all, October the perfect time to curl up on the couch under a blanket and watch the many Halloween movies that are displayed for us throughout the entire month. And let's not forget about Thanksgiving in November. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around it is usually a bit colder than it is when Fall first creeps through, it may even be snowing depending on where you live, but it is still in the Fall season. Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends. It is a day we put aside to forget any troubles we may be having and just be thankful for the wonderful things that we have.
During Fall, we see a sense of beauty that we do not see at any other time of year. All of the leaves change to different magnificent colors and fall to the ground, leaving the skeleton of a tree that lies underneath. The air turns brisk, cool, and comfortable. The cold winds make the recently fallen leaves dance through the air and move about so you may never get the same view twice. You can enjoy spending time outdoors and appreciate the colors as we know that although they are beautiful, they will not be here for long.
It is the ideal time of year to have a cup of hot apple cider and light a fire in the back yard where you will notice the bees and butterflies are gone, and most of the birds have already flown away. Squirrels rush around frantically hiding acorns and nuts so they are prepared for the Winter that is inevitably ahead of us. It is a fantastic time of year for photography because no matter where you go, there is always some unique sort of display of red, yellow, or brown which makes for beautiful scenery. You can also break out your hoodies, scarves, boots, jackets, and leggings and head out to a Friday night football game or a pumpkin patch before the weather gets a bit too cold for comfort.
Winter puts everyone into the Christmas spirit. Everyone looks forward to Spring because as of January or February they are officially sick of Winter and want some warmer weather. Summer is fun-filled with vacations and festivals...but there are so many amazing and beautiful things about Fall that we do not get to experience during any other time of the year, which is why I have fallen in love with Fall.