Everyone can see that "Stop Shaming" articles are starting to pop up everywhere, but I for one am really tired of them and here's why...
They are contributing to our generations terrible habit of constantly playing the victim! For example, I recently read an article about a college student who was happy that they didn't party in high school, and why they feel like they didn't miss out on anything. I am also a student that doesn't party and I also do not feel like I am missing out on anything, so it's natural that I agreed with it. However, that doesn't mean that I am against other people partying! I think that you should be free to live your life however you want, and find yourself however you choose. So two minutes ago when I saw a rebuttal argument about why students are happy that they did go through a party phase, I was so aggravated that it started with "why we should stop shaming..." that I was motivated to write this article. The initial article was not saying that it was wrong to party and it did not shame the students that decide to anyway! Most people know that college is a party time in young lives, but I don't choose to. The article was just to let people know that it's okay if you don't, and that you are not alone. To hear that someone felt the need to write an article playing the victim really bothers me. This is a major problem with our generation, we always feel the need to play the victim. People are constantly saying that they are offended by things that are ridiculous. It's okay to be offended, but you can't expect everyone to change their ways just to please you. Growing tougher skin is a part of growing up. Letting things roll off your back is something that took me years to learn and I am still struggling with, but I realize that it's essential to life. This is just another reason that older generations are looking down on us and calling us spoiled, entitled, cry babies.
So here is my proposition: instead of telling the people that judge that they are wrong, why not make articles that people like you can relate to? Chances are that the person that you are trying to relay the message to isn't going to read the article anyway, people going through similar things will. Judgey people are always going to judge you for something, so help others in your situation!
Sorry if you find this offensive in any way...but I felt like it needed to be said.