More and more these days I'm hearing women say that they never imagined themselves in a sorority and I am guilty of being one of them. It was a quick and impulsive decision to go through formal recruitment fall of my sophomore year. I was overwhelmed when people cheered at the top of their lungs and asked me twenty times each day what my major was. Everyone I talked to told me the same thing: Whichever house I choose I'll love it there.
When I look back on my time in Kappa Delta thus far, I have come to the conclusion that I actually hate it here. "WHAT?!" exclaims probably everyone in my chapter after reading that sentence, but just hang tight.
I hate being in a sorority because I don't want to leave the women that started as strangers and are now my best friends. As a senior in college, I have realized that it's almost time for my future to really get started. For a while now, I have wanted to move from the cold New England region either down south or out west. While graduation is still months away, the thought of leaving everyone breaks my heart. Who else am I going to order pizza with at 2 am? What am I going to do when I can't wake up and mosey my way to the formal to discuss the happenings of the previous night? Can I pack you all up and take you with me wherever I go?
I hate being in a sorority because I'm scared that I won't find another support system like the one that I have here. Sure, nowadays you can text or FaceTime people on the opposite side of the world, but that doesn't compare to being able to sit face-to-face with someone. One year ago I was outside my room crying on the phone because I was being broken up with. Several sisters walked past me without saying a word. Instead, it was the unspoken actions that comforted me the most - a little pat on the back, someone side hugging me as they walked by and bringing me tissues to dry my eyes (shout out Paulina). Regardless of how well you know each sister, they will always have your back. I can't help but wonder though, what if I need a shoulder to cry on and there's no one around? What if I want to celebrate my achievements and victories, but everyone is 1000 miles away?
I hate being in a sorority because I don't want to part with all the philanthropic work that we do. Each sorority has their own philanthropy that they raise money for through different events like 5k's, pot luck dinners and silent auctions. While it's still possible to work with organizations such as Prevent Child Abuse America or the Children's Miracle Network, it won't be the same without my sisters around me. So often in the media we hear about the negative happenings of Greek life, but there are so many positive aspects that are never talked about.
Gotcha! I don't hate my sorority at all (although cheering isn't my favorite thing, sorry not sorry). Going Greek was one of the best decisions I have ever made and it's true what they say: from the outside looking in you can never understand it, but from the inside looking out you can never explain it. AOT.