Why Hamilton the Musical Is So Important | The Odyssey Online
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Why Hamilton the Musical Is So Important

"The world will never be the same."

Why Hamilton the Musical Is So Important

If you haven't heard of Hamilton the Musical either you've been living under a rock or you just don't know what is good for you. Believe me when I say- you need this musical in your life. Here are some reasons why Hamilton will be the best thing to ever happen to you.

The Story

Who would have thought that a Broadway musical about the founding fathers of the US would be such a hit? Although the main character is Alexander Hamilton, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and John Adams do make appearances. But the story tells so much more than how our country came to be. It has everything from love, death, history, to education. It is funny, creative, saddening and extremely inspiring. Somehow it just works and it works perfectly.

The Cast

Alexander Hamilton is played by Lin-Manuel Miranda (Rent, Music/Lyrics/Concept for In the Heights, Music/Lyrics for Bring It On! the Musical), who wrote the entirety of Hamilton from a single idea of a mixtape about Alexander Hamilton. But there are also multiple persons-of-color playing the founding fathers and the entire cast consists of extremely diverse and talented people. You can't find a single person in this cast that isn't talented.


With a show that is bound for Tony Award success, tickets are very expensive. But don't let that fact make you give up. Before every show, there is a ticket lottery set up where anyone can enter their name to win two $10 front row seats! You can keep coming back to try your luck every day, 2.5 hours before shows.


Along with the lottery tickets, there is a special mini-show called 'Ham4Ham' hosted by Lin-Manuel Miranda that occurs during every lottery. The video above is a fan favorite: Renée Elise Goldsberry (The Color Purple, Rent) who plays Angelica Schuyler steps in for Miranda when he was out sick, lip-syncing the song 'The Schuyler Sisters'. However, the three sisters are played by the three men who have portrayed the King George character: Brian d'Arcy James (Shrek the Musical, Something Rotten), Jonathan Groff (Spring Awakening, Glee, Frozen) and Andrew Rannells (Book of Mormon, Hedwig and the Angry Inch). Ham4Ham shows have special guests from other shows or the cast doing funny covers but they put on the shows for the fans so they're entertained even if they don't win the lottery tickets.

The Music

What is a musical without its music?! Hamilton does something that has never been done before- it combines rap, R&B, hip hop and soul music with the usual Broadway flare. It is genius (well, Lin-Manuel Miranda is a genius too). Here are some of my favorite songs from the soundtrack (available on iTunes!):

The title track of the show that sets up the story extremely well. We meet Alexander Hamilton and learn a little bit about him while also clueing the audience in on who is who in the show.

Featured in the Ham4Ham video above, this song introduces the Schuyler sisters in the best way possible- three-part harmonies and Angelica rapping!

Just a gorgeous song.

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. Having a cabinet meeting/debate. But in a RAP BATTLE. It's incredible!

The heartbreaking finale song in the show, which will 100 percent guarantee goosebumps every time.

In conclusion, get obsessed with Hamilton. You won't regret it.

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