If you are like me, you grew up in the late 1990s and early 2000s. You were with Britney through all of her phases and absolutely fan-girled over N’SYNC. Not only did we get to watch all the awesome Disney movies, or the BEST Nickelodeon TV shows, but we also had the best music. We were also the last generation to grow up without technology keeping us inside. Here is my list of reasons why my generation is the best.
1. We played outside.
Unlike the generation that follows us, we actually went outside. I do not remember a day I did not come home from school and immediately go outside to play. We didn’t care if it was sunshine or rain. We played and we played hard.
2. We had better cartoons.
Rugrats, Spongebob, Little Bear, Arthur, Hey Arnold, The Wild Thornberries, As Told by Ginger, Recess - the list goes on and on. We were taught valuable life lessons that we still hold with us to this day. We were taught to love each other and be kind to everyone.
3. OG Disney movies
Do I need to say anything else? "Hocus Pocus," "Halloween Town," "Smart House," "Luck of the Irish," and "Twitches" were some of my faves.
4. The BEST music.
Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, N’SYNC, Backstreet Boys. Not including all the awesome 90’s alternative we got to listen to, these artists were the themes to our childhood. I can remember listening to Britney Spears' "I’m not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" and knowing she was talking to me. We watched Christina go from a "Genie in a Bottle" to "Dirty" and loved her every step of the way.
5. No cell phone/Internet
Getting online was a luxury to us. If we did have Internet, it was dial up. Not only would you have to not talk on the phone, you would have to wait FOREVER for one page to load. We did not have these tiny devices to distract us from everything in life. Now kids get cell phones when they are 10. I see babies that can work an iPad better than me.
6. We were sociable.
This goes with not having Internet. If you had a crush on somebody, you had to actually talk to them. There was no texting or IM’ing. It was all face to face. This is my biggest fear for my nieces and nephew growing up: They will not know how to communicate. They are getting so use to only talking to people via the Internet. How will they ever know how to approach people if they do not have to?
Growing up in the late 90s and early 2000s, we were on the brink of the millennials. We went through the technology uprise, so we know what life is like without the internet. We got to watch the best shows that we still watch to this day and the best music that I still boom to while driving.
We will forever be 90s babies.