Greek life always has a lot of bad connotations. Whether it's hazing, alcoholism or crazy parties, people see Greek life as a negative aspect of college. However, this past week the Greek life community at Northern Kentucky University experienced something that brought everyone together.
A member of Alpha Omicron Pi at Northern Kentucky University passed away and it affected everyone involved in Greek life. A lot of members of different Greek organizations knew this young woman personally while others gave their support to AOII. The Facebook posts came flying in and everyone tried to show their support.
This past week made me really think, how can people say that Greek life is bad? I have never felt so much love and support from a community until I came to NKU and became a part of Greek life. While we found our homes in our different sororities and fraternities, we are our one big Greek family. We may think that our sorority or fraternity is best and compete against each other, but we are a family.
Family supports each other. We all participate in each others philanthropy events and when we use the hashtags like #AOIILovesKD we really mean it. We don't just hang out with our own brothers and sisters, we have friends in other sororities and fraternities. Greek life not only gives us brothers and sisters that we will have for life, but Panhellenic sisters and Inter-fraternal brothers that will stay with us for life.
Greek life has had such a positive impact on my life and on the lives of all of my sisters and brothers. If you're debating rushing a sorority or a fraternity but you're afraid because of the rumors, know that they are not true. Greek life will give you more than amazing opportunities, but friends that will be in your wedding and that will last a lifetime.