I think everyone can agree with that statement. Grandparents are the ones that smother you with love — so do your parents — but they might show it in a different way sometimes. I absolutely adore my grandparents. I'm 19 years old and still go sleep over at their house. Grandparents are the ones that bake your favorite cookies and give you endless kisses on the cheek. They like to spoil you rotten, but who’s complaining? Everyone should spend lots of time with their grandparents, they absolutely love it. Here’s many reasons why grandparents are the best,
1. They are always there for you.
2. They take your side when your fighting with your parents.
3. They let us watch our favorite TV shows on their TV.
4. They always make sure their grandkids have enough to eat
5. You get big, red, lipstick stains on your cheeks.
6. They love when you go sleep over.
7. They share their wisdom with you.
8. You hear the best stories from them at the dinner table.
9. It’s fun to teach them modern things (my fav…what Snapchat is and why they can’t zoom in on instagram)
10. They can spend all day with you and not get tired of you.
11. They surprise you with simple things.
12. You receive cards from them for every occasion (even Halloween)
13. They’ll cover for you no matter what.
14.They tell you embarrassing/funny stories about your parents.
15. Their pantry is always stocked with snacks.
16. They have a good grandma/grandpa smell.
17. They rarely say no.
18. They always try to make it to your extracurricular activities.
19. They take you out to eat even when there is food in the house.
20. They will always answer the phone when you call.
21. You can be yourself at their house (laying around, eating their good food, watching TV)
22. They let you stay up late and watch movies and eat ice cream
23. They’re always up for a board game.
24. They gave you your parents.
25. Their love for you is unconditional.