Tattoos are a pretty controversial subject for some people, so when I decided to get one I had to consider how it would sit with some people. So far, people have had only good things to say about it. Although I haven't had anybody ask the questions yet, I know I will eventually so I'm going to go ahead and address them: Why did you get a tattoo? Why would you do that to your body? You know that's permanent, right? And since it is a Bible verse, there's always the question, what would God think about that?
I got my first tattoo about a week ago, after much consideration, thought, and yes, even prayer. It's my favorite scripture, Psalm 46:5.
"God is within her, she will not fail." Psalm 46:5
This Psalm is going to be a daily reminder to me, to have faith in myself. A reminder of my strength and of my creator's great love for me, that I can succeed because God is rooting for me.
There was a time where I was not so courageous in my faith, when I was struggling with school, money, and family. It seemed as if nothing was working out in my favor, like I was going to have to change my major again, to something far less difficult, find a new job because I wasn't making enough money to pay my bills, and then there was the usual family drama. Then I stumbled upon this verse, that I've heard so many times before, but it was almost as if it had a whole new meaning to me. I clung to this verse, reciting it every day until I wasn't failing my classes anymore, and things were starting to look up.
So that is why I got a tattoo. I hold this verse very close to my heart, which is one reason I chose to place it on my inner bicep. It symbolizes hope for me, and reminds me of my strength, yet another reason for the placement.
"Why would you do that to your body?" Yes, it hurt. Some people would call me crazy for putting myself through that much pain but years from now when I look at this tattoo and am reminded of my strength, the pain will be only a faint memory. Plus, it's MY body so if I want to mark it with words meaningful to me, I will.
Yes, I know it is permanent, but I feel as if I've chosen wisely enough that I will still need this verse when I'm 80 years old. And I don't know about you, but I think tattoos look totally awesome on 80 year olds.
Now for the dreaded question of what will God think of my tattoo. I know the verse and I know you know the verse but just to refresh our memories:
"You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord." Leviticus 19:28
In this same chapter we read that we are not to wear cotton and poly blend shirts and men are not to shave. Since we as Christians have freedom from the laws of the Old Testament, I believe that we are not bound to these things.
I also know that my body is a temple and 1 Corinthians says to glorify God in my body, but isn't that exactly what I'm doing? I think if I can use my tattoo to talk about God, I am totally using my temple to glorify Him. Am I right?
I got this tattoo because it means something to me and because I want to be reminded to live to my full potential every day. And I want people to ask me about my tattoo, so I can tell them how awesome our God is, that He will never let us fail.
So before you make your judgmental comments about someones tattoo, keep in mind that it could have a deeper meaning. Tattoos are becoming more popular and I think they're becoming more accepted and it's about time.