Home is always where the heart is! I LOVE my hometown, and I think going to a college far from where I grew up has only made me realize this more. However, when I faced the decision of choosing where I wanted to go for college, I had to put many things into perspective. Not only was I fortunate enough to have options, I had many options. I could go to a college that is a 30-minute drive from my house, an 8-hour drive, or a 4-hour plane ride. A part of me knew from the start the decision I was going to make. While I believe going to KU (Kansas University) would have been an incredible college experience without a doubt-being with my friends from high school, going home on the weekends, etc., I knew it was not the college experience for me. So, despite my parents’ wishes but with their greatest support and love, I chose to go to Syracuse University aka the college that’s a 4-hour plane ride. My journey so far has put many things in perspective for me, and while at times it’s been difficult, it has been amazing beyond words…here’s why. J
Everything is new. I started with an absolutely blank slate. New state, new people, new accents, and all other things were new to me. I love it. The excitement was and still is off the charts.
I quickly learned that if you want anything done at college you have to do it yourself ha ha. No one is going to bring you food, do your laundry, make your bed, or wake you up in the morning.
Sometimes you have to be separated from something to realize how much it means to you. Being away from home and my family has been hard, but I appreciate these things way more than I would have ever expected. I talk up my hometown like no other, and am proud to say I’m from Kansas City.
My dorm floor (s/o Flint 4a) has been potentially hands down the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I’m not going to lie, I was absolutely terrified by co-ed dorms and thought it was going to be gross and weird but it’s simply amazing. We all love each other and will back each other up no matter what. Other than that, I’ve made so many incredible friends from all over the country, and have made some insane connections.
I’ve learned more about myself in the past 2 months than I did in the past 4 years of high school. It’s up to me and only me about the decisions I make, the aspirations I have and whether or not I’m going to pursue them, and the freedoms I have and how I use them.
Basically, if you have the opportunity to go to a college far from home, I recommend you take it. This list hardly recognizes all the wonders. I’m so happy to be where I am right now, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. Take risks, challenge yourself, and never let anyone or anything get in your way-because it’s your life, and guess what? You only have one, so live it up.