Many say that your college years are some of the best years of your life. After only two years at the College of Charleston, I never want to leave.
The first time I toured the College of Charleston's campus, I felt at home. Coming from a small, private school and a senior class of seventy, I should have been scared out of my mind. However, my application anxieties disappeared, my internal freak outs about the black abyss, aka my future, lessened, and I was genuinely excited to move. Although I had recommendation letters and almost completed applications to four different schools, I only applied to the College of Charleston. My friends thought I was crazy, but I knew Charleston was where I was destined to be.
Now that I am here, I never want to leave. Here are a few reasons why the College of Charleston is the best school I could have chosen.
The City.
Living in the heart of downtown Charleston is one of the best perks to attending the College of Charleston. The gorgeous architecture of all the shops and houses will leave you in awe and there are always people roaming the streets. There is so much energy on campus and on the main streets of downtown; however, there are quiet places to relax all around the city. Although I am not a huge history buff, the historic aspects of Charleston add to the city's atmosphere as well.
The Shopping and Restaurants.
The retail stores and restaurants downtown are to die for; however, you will eventually have a love/hate relationship with them. There are millions of cute outfits in the windows lining King Street, and every type of cuisine you could ever imagine. By the time you reach the end of the street you will be crying from how much money you spent or how many things you could not buy because you're broke in the first place. It's nice to know they are there, though.
The Beach.
Who doesn't want to live twenty minutes from four different beaches? From Folly to Sullivan's, there is a beach for every age group. Whether you want to relax, surf, or do some touristy shopping, Charleston beaches are the best places to hit up. It is the perfect way to end a stressful day of classes or a place to hangout with friends on a Saturday afternoon.
The People.
Students come from all over the United Stated to attend the College of Charleston. Although many of the students are more on the preppy side, you can see a wide variety of styles walking through campus. People watching anywhere in Charleston is a great way to entertain yourself. All of the friends I have made the past two years have unique personalities. It's a blast getting to know so many different groups of people.
The Professors.
Most of the professors I have had at the College of Charleston always encourage you to come to their office hours and ask questions if you need help. The class sizes are fairly small compared to larger colleges, and it is easy to get to know the teachers in your department. They want to see you succeed and see you as more than just a face in their classroom. There are many colleges I have heard about where the teachers could not care less about how their students are doing; however, the professors at the College of Charleston genuinely care about how their students are doing in class as well as outside of class.