Sometimes I think in the mist of college, high school, jobs or just in life in general, we forget how important it is to be positive. Or how important it is for someone else to be positive towards you. Negativity is hurts. When you have constant negativity around you the pain from it can become unbearable.
And in the mists of finals coming up and everyone, including myself, being more stressed than usual. I would like to remind not only you all and myself, but professors as well. I don't mind you telling me everything I did wrong on a paper or a test. Obviously I cannot improve if you don't tell me these things because it's important that I do learn how my writing or studying can be improve, not fixed, but improved. But I hardly see the positives on my papers or tests.
I think it's sad when a professor could write a paragraph on why my paper was lacking, but can only give me a simple "good" for something done well. As stated before, constructive criticism is super important to build and develop skills. But just remember that those negative comments, however simple they maybe, can build up over time and effect someone in the worse ways. As students we will take these comments personality whether they were meant that way or not.
Also, I would like to state that I know no one is responsible for my happiness or joy. I shouldn't let other's decide how I feel or control how I feel. It really shouldn't matter what they think or if it does matter, I shouldn't take it so seriously, but the truth is I do take it seriously. I don't like taking people's opinions of my work or of me lightly. I'm just not that kind of person who can let things roll of my back. I will take things to heart and I will remember an opinion of something I did or of something someone thought about me. That's just who I am and I cannot change that about myself. I know it could be seen as a flaw, but oh well. I'm not perfect and I don't try to be.
I think remembering positivity and expanding on positivity is something that would make my day and so many others a little bit better. I don't think it's healthy for me to sit here and watch a video of Gordon Ramsay telling one of the chiefs how great their pie is to inspire this article. I also don't think its healthy for me to cry over said video. Bottom line: I think being positive is a great thing, but I understand that's not something we can always do. Just remember that positivity is out there and I hope someday everyone, including myself, finds it.