OK girls, it's time to get real about something real quick. If I were to ask you why nights with your best friends are important, what would you say? Would you say they're important because you can get your mind off stress? Would you say it's important because you get to be social? Both of those are good answers, but not exactly what I was thinking of. Here's why I think nights with your friends are the most fun and pretty important.
If your friends are anything like mine, they give you the most honest advice. They listen to you with open and non-judgemental ears. They tell you their embarrassing stories to make you feel better about your own. They are the ones that you can tell anything to, and really know that they're hearing you. Girl nights are full of story telling and advice — at least the ones I've had. It's important to have a group of people you can feel comfortable talking (complaining) to about work, boys, family issues or work.
Friends are always there to help you finish that one bottle of wine you've been saving for "that day." Girl nights are usually filled with wine, movies and gossip; so drinking is expected. They allow you to let go of that stress you've been holding in all week, and not feel any guilt about it — because all of your friends are by your side doing the same exact thing.
Another reason girl nights are important is because you get to have time with just you and your friends doing whatever your little hearts desire — no boyfriends, no family, no bosses telling you what to do. Whether your night is staying in or whether it's spent going out is also an important factor. If you stay in, you get to literally lounge around in your biggest sweatpants together and watch scary movies. If you go out, then you get to dress up and get ready together (my personal favorite part). Blasting your favorite music, doing your makeup together and picking out the night's outfits is way more fun than the actual going out part in my opinion.
Above all else, the most important thing about girl nights is making memories. I know, I know — "Could you be any more cliche?" No, I couldn't, because you know I'm right. These memories are the ones you'll always think of fondly because they're unlike any others. They're the ones filled with laughs, secrets you'll never tell anyone else and nights you'll only remember from stories told the next morning. Nights with your friends can't be replaced by anything else, so make sure you're making them a priority.