Back in high school, getting sick was no big deal. You miss a couple of classes, make up the homework whenever, and still ace the test. When you get sick in college, everything is effed.
Since lectures are limited, they're pretty important. Multiple lectures a day, multiple days of the week. That means if you miss a couple of days, you could be effed. Trying to catch up on classes and notes takes way too much time when you have to still learn the new stuff, especially if you're on the quarter system. Another thing that sucks is that diet probably going to go straight down the tubes. Illness will make you feel sluggish and tired, too tired to cook, leaving you with just junk food and fast food to eat. You also might not feel like eating, so now your calorie intake is going to start tanking. All the crap food you eat is going to make you feel even more sluggish and probably isn't the best for your illness. After all that, the last thing you want to do is probably want to go to the gym either, even though you really should. Aerobic exercise boosts the immune system, which will help you get better faster. Only problem is, since you're already feeling sluggish and lazy, you're more inclined to say "eff it" and not go to the gym. All you'll want to do is sleep or Netflix, both being fun. Your typical start to the day will be wake up, do morning routine, make tea, go back to bed, watch movies or tv shows, sip tea. And that's probably how your whole day will play out. No class, no gym, no energy. Getting sick sucks.