In addition to its lovable cast and witty one-liners, "Friends" was, and still is, TV gold due to its relatable and thoughtful situations. The show provides something for everyone with humor that is funny no matter how many times you watch each episode (trust me).
Although "Friends" was meant to be a comedy, it still hits on some troubling, heartbreaking and realistic situations. Here is just a list of a few reasons why Friends was one of the greatest shows on television.
1. People make mistakes.
Ross and Rachel are and have been perfect since day one, but every Friends fan, and maybe even those who have never seen the show, know about the infamous, “We were on a break!" Although the fault seemed to lie mostly on Ross, Rachel did not come out completely innocent. I’m not, however, saying how Rachel acted pre-breakup was as bad as Ross’s decision to cheat, but it did not help the cause. In the end it was realized that mistakes were made, no one is perfect, and they truly were meant to be together. It is perfectly alright to forgive.
2. People can change and grow.
Rachel was naïve and spoiled before moving to the city. She had everything handed to her. However, throughout the first two seasons, with the help of her friends, Rachel is able to grow out of the “daddy’s little girl” role and blossom into the very successful and mature Rachel Green we see later in the series.
It is hard to even pinpoint one character to whom this happens to. It occurs to practically every one. Phoebe grew out of the street scene and became a lovable and irreplaceable asset to the friends group, Monica overcame her weight, and put her love of food to greater and healthier use as a chef, and Chandler overcame his doubts about relationships and took the step into marriage with his best friend.
3. Anything can happen if it is meant to.
No one saw the Chandler-Monica relationship coming, and if you did then whoa. However, no one is as perfect for them as each other. This goes to show that anything can happen if you let life just happen. If something is meant to, it will.
4. Pets are necessary.
I would never own a monkey, but I won’t say other people can’t. Ross and Marcel had a special bond as “pet” (more like friend) and owner. Pets are companions. They help like no human can in the most depressing and upsetting times. They also teach responsibility. Although Marcel did not pass away, he did become a movie star and Ross had to part with his friend forever. It is not easy to say goodbye, but it always helps to know that our additional family members are going to a better place.
5. Traditional motherhood is not the only option.
There are so many different family dynamics, nowadays. "Friends" showed the strength and beauty of motherhood through its three main women characters. It also showed that there is perfection in every family, even if it is not traditional.
Rachel was a single mother, Monica adopted and Phoebe was a surrogate. All beautiful, all amazing, all strong.
6. It’s perfectly OK to be 100 percent yourself.
Phoebe is probably one of my favorite characters on the show and the reason for that is because she is so downright weird and hilarious. Those two words I just stated describe her personality, which is highlighted in every episode through every season. She is 100 percent herself and she is still extremely loved by her friends and adored by fans. There is no judgement within the friends group. They are each as weird as the next and are a wonderful group of misfits who just work.
7. There is always someone who is going to be there for you.
Through every move, every breakup, every marriage, death, success and failure, these friends stick together and support each other, no matter what. They can’t stay mad at each other because they have to tell each other something seconds after they swear they’d never speak to each other again. What these friends have is more real than fantasy, and that is why the show is so relatable. I am lucky enough to have a group of friends like this, which is why I can relate so well to the show. This friendship is inspiring, wholesome, and never for a second lends itself to doubt that there is always someone who is going to be there for them.