I am sure we have all been in a relationship or two. If not, then I salute the late bloomers who have either decided to focus on more important things like schoolwork and your career, or who just haven’t found the right person yet, which is perfectly fine. It will happen when it happens and lots of times it happens when one least suspects it. But I’m here to talk about why friendships are better than relationships in every way possible:
1. Friends are loyal until the very end.
If you have a loyal boyfriend or girlfriend, that is great but friends--and I mean true friends--stay with you no matter how many relationships you have been in and will not judge you on the basis of that.
2. You don’t need to impress your friends.
When you go out on a date with someone, you constantly worry about not living up to their expectations. You get nervous and insecure and you are having more palpitations than real fun. Friends are different. You don’t need to show your friend what kind of car you drive or how many instruments you play or how many relationships you have been in. Everything platonic is already set for you.
3. You can talk to whoever you want when you are with your friends.
Let’s say that you are at a party with some friends and you start flirting with a random girl there. Your friend wouldn’t think anything of it, but your partner might say otherwise. They will most likely get upset and dump you on the spot. That is if you don’t get cursed out first.
4. You can have more fun with your friends.
You could go out with your friends and nobody would be sitting at home or in your dorm room waiting for you to come home with a scowl on their face.
5. You can talk with your friends about almost anything.
Taking with your lover can also be very therapeutic for those that need someone to talk to, but I doubt that you are going to find a happy conversation of which person you slept with last night. That is why you need to talk with your friends about really touchy subjects like that so that you can express what you did and not keep it inside of you. That can help ease the guilt that one can feel.
In conclusion, if you want to be in a relationship, that is your choice, but just make sure that you have plenty of good friends to catch you when you fall.