How many of you listened to Ke$ha in 2009? Don't lie because all of you did. Now I would love to harp on the countless number one singles that Ke$ha blessed us with over the years and how her music made us dance like we were living off of each beat, but that's not what the focus is.
A few weeks a New York state judge decided to deny Ke$ha's request to put her contract with Kemosabe on hold in order to make music with anyone else besides her alleged rapist and abuser Dr. Luke. Immediately after the public got a hold of the information social media became outraged, and rightfully so, because still in 2016 the victim of sexual harassment has to suffer far worse than her abuser.
So why is this important to college students? Because over the past year or so, college's have reported sexual assaults and nothing has been done to support the victims. Forever in the society that we live in the "rape culture" in our college communities has been "what did the victim do wrong" rather than "what can we do to stop these predators?"
For me Ke$ha's case is the straw that broke the camel's back. Instead of trying to force victims into situations that they have to relive their attacks, we should be fighting like the supporters of the #FreeKe$ha movement and fight back. I believe if any woman says they have been sexually abused or assaulted that our first notion should be to believe and solve instead of question and cover up.
What if Ke$ha was you?