Awhile ago I had a friend post a tweet with the hashtag #FOMO. I was incredibly confused because I hadn't heard this phrase before. So I took it upon myself to do a little urban dictionary googling.
It read:
"fear of missing out". The fear that if you miss a party or event you will miss out on something great."
I kind of laughed after I read this, thinking this wasn't something that people actually "suffered" from. But, then it hit me.
It not only hit me, but it hit me hard.
This past weekend I was in Chicago with my boyfriend for a concert. I had purchased the tickets last year and we were so excited. We took a train on Thursday night and stayed until Sunday afternoon.
This being said I missed out on three party nights, and a football game. I sat around watching Snapchats and scrolling through Instagram posts. Watching my roommates have a great time without me. While I was sitting around being kind of mopey about missing out on all of the things that were going on, I started to think. Even though FOMO is something that bothers everyone, and makes everyone feel a little bit left out, it isn't something that you should let consume you. You should be enjoying everything around you, and the things that you are doing in that moment. Not worrying about what your friends are doing. If you spend your whole life worried about missing out then you will. But, if you spend your life living in each and every moment that you are a part of no matter who you are with you will have lived your life to the fullest.
So instead of FOMO, how about YOLO?
Sorry had to ;)