Astrology has recently become one of the trendiest things to be involved with. I'm here to tell you why astrology is more than just a trend and how learning about the zodiac will bring you more in touch with yourself and others. One thing you can't deny is the alignment of the stars at the moment you were born. It sounds crazy, I know! But to the skeptics--just try reading your birth chart or a friends and then tell me if you absolutely can't relate.
Your astrological chart is so much more than your sun sign. I think this is where most skepticism comes in when someone doesn't directly relate with the characteristics of their sun sign or their "daily horoscope". That's because your sun sign is a broad description of who you are and your zodiac personality, not an in depth description of all the aspects of your character. For this you'll need to look to your full birth chart. Your birth chart is comprised of all different signs according to the direct placement of the planets at the time and day you were born. Each planet represents a different part of who you are, but the main three signs that people look to are your sun, moon, and rising sign. The moon depicts your inner self and thoughts, this is how you think of yourself and they way you process things internally. The rising sign is how you come off in social setting or how you character is portrayed when you first meet someone. All three of these aspects are important to understand and study. Once you've become hooked then you can go deeper into your chart, but for the skeptics or the newbies, this is a good place to start.
For people who struggle with social anxiety or anxiety within themselves I've found that understanding astrology has really helped me. Not only has it helped me connect with myself and understand why I emote in certain ways but it has helped me understand others too. By simply knowing someones chart can help me to understand them and be able to interact with them in the most optimal ways. Studying the astrology within the relationships you have can actually help you to strengthen those connections in life. Personally, the zodiac has given me a sense of comfort knowing that in any social setting with people close to me I can have more patience and understanding for the actions of others which brings me closer to the people I care for in the end. It has also me brought peace within myself knowing there is a distinct reason why I act the way I do, and your zodiac chart is uniquely specific to you, so you can know the signs associated with the plants in your chart are going to be directly correlated with the way you act and think.
Astrology is so much more than just a silly trend, or an often off base and extremely vague "daily horoscope", it's a way to understand the fibers of a persons being. So, the next time someone asks you what your sign is don't roll your eyes or laugh, instead embrace the fact that they want to know you on a deeper level and maybe even open up the conversation to form a new and special connection in the universe.