Why Fish Camp | The Odyssey Online
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Why Fish Camp

Because we all love Texas A&M.

Why Fish Camp
Paige Johnston

Let’s be real. Starting college is so scary. No matter where you venture off to, and even if it’s just online, beginning a fresh chapter in life can be terrifying.

For me, I come from a small town. I know everyone, everyone knows me, and nothing Is unfamiliar. So coming into college inflicted that same fear into me as well.

But, as much as my palms were sweaty and a lump grew deeper in my throat, I still was determined to fully immerse myself in this new chapter.

Not only was coming to college scary based on the mere fact that I am only accustomed to my norm of “small”, but the college I chose is foreign. Nobody in my family had ever even thought of this, attended, or imagined me venturing off to the college I inevitably chose.

However, this single choice is what inevitably broke down every fear, doubt, and anxiety in my mind that consisted of not feeling at home in this new town.

I chose Texas A&M. And, after, I attended Fish Camp. The best transitional program that eases that fear and doubt in every incoming freshman’s mind by welcoming them in with open arms.

If anyone ever questions the point of Fish Camp, I simply explain this scenario:

If you were to stay at a stranger’s home in an unfamiliar town, wouldn’t you feel immediately more comfortable if they were excited about your arrival, welcoming, and helpful to you since the new home/town was so unfamiliar?

That’s exactly the point. Everyone could use a friend, and everyone needs one whether they will admit it or not. And entering into a university with an undergraduate enrollment of 47,093 definitely calls for at least a little guidance.

Texas A&M is the embodiment of happiness, studious students, friendly students and staff, and hardworking, proud individuals that genuinely strive to better not only themselves, but others as well. Fish camp displays why being in Aggie really is so special to all of the past, present, and future students of Texas A&M. During a matter of only four days the incoming freshman attending fish camp will not only have the time of their lives all while making lasting friendships, but they will also grow as individuals in more ways than one.

There is a reason the counselors, co-chairs, and staff that all come together to make Fish Camp so incredible work so hard for so long: Texas A&M. Every. Single. Person. Has a different passion for a different reason. The various personalities, backgrounds, and explanations for finding Fish Camp so close to their hearts are what bring out the beauty in the organization as a whole. The uniqueness of every counselor reaches out to the incredibly unique student body yearly addition we like to call Freshmen.

So, why are all of those crazy people so excited? Why are they jumping up and down with their hair dye flying one way and facial piercings tilting the other?

Because these “crazy people” want to reach out and be a friend to every new face stepping onto the campus of Texas A&M for the first time as a student. These “crazy people” want to show what it means to sway to the Aggie war Hymn or feel the Aggie Spirit. These “crazy people” want to show what it means to attend an honest and honorable school. These “crazy people” want to embrace their passion for the best university in the country and pass it on to those experiencing college for the first time.

Why Fish Camp?

Because we all love Texas A&M.

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