15 Spells From Harry Potter That All College Students Wish They Could Use During Finals Week | The Odyssey Online
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15 Spells From Harry Potter That All College Students Wish They Could Use During Finals Week

Spells, charms, enchantments, and potions sure would make this dreadful week a little bit less painful.

15 Spells From Harry Potter That All College Students Wish They Could Use During Finals Week
Business Insider

Finals week is exhausting. Finals week is dreadful. Finals week is something that all of us college students have to conquer, whether we like it or not. One of the hardest things about college is preparing for final exams. If there was a way to make this daunting week easier, there is no doubt that every student would do it. But, in reality, the only way to make finals week easier is by constant studying and hard work. Unless you are Harry Potter, of course. If you were Harry Potter, you could solve every finals week problem with a simple swish of your wand.

1. LANGLOCK! (glues opponent's tongue to the roof of their mouth)

For those nights when you are trying to study in your room, but the people on your hall are running around, blasting music, and screaming at the top of their lungs.

2. ALOHOMORA! (unlocks things)

When you are still studying at four in the morning, and suddenly realize you are starving. All of the dining halls are closed, but you really need to get through the doors so you can stress eat until you can’t eat anymore.

3. AGUAMENTI! (shoots water from your wand)

When you are about to die from thirst but are way too lazy to leave your study spot to get a drink.

4. TERGEO! (cleans up messes)

For that embarrassing moment when you spill your fourth coffee of the night all over the library floor because you can't function properly anymore.

5. APARECIUM! (reveals invisible ink)

When you just can't retain any more information, so instead you write down everything you know in invisible ink on a piece of paper and bring it to the exam.

6. TARANTALLEGRA! (forces someone to dance)

When you’re in an awful mood from studying for 52 hours straight and you need a nice laugh before your exam. Naturally, you use this spell to make that one grumpy teacher who never smiles dance around like a fool.

7. OBLIVIATE! (erases memories)

When you really don't feel like taking your final, and you want your professor to forget that there was ever even supposed to be an exam.

8. FURNUNCULUS! (produces boils on face)

For that moment when you find out that your exam is ten pages long. If boils appear on your face randomly, maybe you’ll be excused from taking it?

9. INCENDIO! (starts a fire)

When you studied the completely wrong material for your final. If a fire starts in your exam room, it gives you an excuse to leave and look up the facts you needed to know but didn’t know.

10. PACK! (packs a trunk)

When you want to leave school immediately after your last exam, but you don’t have time to pack your bags because you are studying.

11. EXPECTO PATRONUM! (produces a Patronus charm to fight off dementors)

When you are so exhausted from studying that you start to hallucinate and think there is a dementor in your dorm room.

12. ACCIO!(summons an object)

When you forget to bring a blue book to your final and need to find one within the next two minutes.

13. EXPULSO!(makes an object explode)

When you go to take an exam that is supposed to be easy, but you look at the first five questions and know none of them. Blow up the exam and your problem will be solved.

14. REPARO! (repairs broken objects)

When all three of your pencils break during your most important exam.

15. ORCHIDEOUS! (grows flowers from end of wand)

When finals week is finally over, and you want to reward yourself with something nice. You are free!

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