I was always the person to care what other people think and do what other people say. But after graduating college and making some pretty big decisions for myself, I decided that I am no longer going to be the person who cares what other people say or think. Especially about me and what I do. I recently decided to throw myself into something big that I am not sure if I can handle, but the good thing about life is that you live and you learn. Nothing you ever do is a failure its always a learning experience and puts you one step closer to achieving something big.
I decided to start blogging and by blogging I mean letting myself out there for the world to see and get to know. I post relevant information and fun stuff about myself and whats going on around me. This is something I never did because I always thought my life should be private but not everything about it has to be private. So I decided to create my own website because if I am going to blog I have to start somewhere, even if it's not on social media like Instagram or Twitter. So far I have 2 posts and I enjoy it. You can view it at www.samanthascloset.org
You're probably wondering, why Samantha's Closet for a website name? Well,.good question! The reason behind Samantha's Closet is because I am actually obsessed with shopping and with clothes. I have a hard time getting rid of clothes even if I haven't worn them in years and even if they no longer fit me. I do have high hopes that they will fit me one day even though I know they won't. My second reason for this name is because I would one day like to have my own clothing boutique with the name Samantha's Closet because I would sell stuff relevant to what I like and what other people like. The clothes I would sell would be something you would find in my closet. So why not name it that?
It's okay to have hopes and dreams for something just like what I am about to throw myself into. But I do believe that if you don't "Just go for it" you may never have the chance for it to happen. People always say that you should make your dreams a reality and stop dreaming, well that is what I am doing and I don't care what anyone else thinks about it. So if you want to follow me and my journey and learn some things on the way you can check out my website and stay up to date to see if I actually open my own clothing boutique one day. It's going to be a long exhausting journey but I am willing to take my chances.
Always remember, the only people who care are the people who support your decisions and never judge you for it!