Feminist. What is your first thought when you hear that word? Is it a good word or a bad word? Stating you're a feminist often has a bad connotation because people think it means a woman who hates men. Feminism means equal rights for everyone, not just people who identify as female.
Feminism is needed in society because men and women deserve to be equals. Feminism should not just focus on white women, though. Feminism should include women of all races, transgender women, men of all races, transgender men, gender neutral people, agender people and gender fluid people. Just because the stem word of "fem" is historically viewed with words, such as female or feminine, does not mean feminism is only for females.
Feminists fight for not only women's rights but also issues that are overlooked. For instance, men can be raped. This issue is one feminists fight for because it is often overlooked for not being as common as when women are raped. The connotation of the word feminist is seen as women hating men and doing everything in their power to overthrow men. The equality of all genders is valid in feminism. Nobody should be afraid to be called a feminist. In fact, not saying you're a feminist because of the stigma is silly.
We need feminism because young girls are not allowed to wear tank tops in the summer to school because it is "too distracting." If men take the time to sexualize young women for seeing their shoulders, then there is an exact reason we need feminism. There are so many issues with the equality of all genders. Gender is a spectrum and is not plain black and white, so to say feminism is only for people who identify as female, is wrong.
We need feminism because the white, male privilege is way too often overlooked. I only hope we teach the next generations to treat everyone with equality and not be scared to proclaim themselves as feminists. I am proud to proclaim myself as a feminist, and others should be, too. Feminism is for everybody, and it is the future.