Nearly every time I go on the Internet, that is usually some form of social media, I end up regretting it.
Some of the things that happen when I go online: some sort of news stresses me out (usually regarding climate change), updates in our politics and presidential updates annoy or scare me, or someone on the Internet shows a blatant disregard for the basic principles of respect when it comes to another human being.
The conversation surrounding feminists is one I generally avoid as it has a tendency to get too messy and sometimes radical for my liking. I tend to stand on the belief that everybody deserves equal rights and leave it at that. However, I've recently been going online to find this conversation sort of following me. If I'm being honest, I'm kind of disappointed in what I've been seeing.
I've always been taught and firmly believed that women should support other women and lift each other up.
Sadly, we don't really see that online today. What I do see is women tearing down other women for their wardrobe choices, parenting skills, sexual activities, relationship choices, and everything else they have no business giving their unsolicited opinion on. Perhaps the most enraging thing I see is women criticizing other women for the way they choose to be a feminist and stand up for themselves.
All I'm really seeing is little girls looking for reasons to start petty fights with one another. I think it says a lot about society when young girls have to turn off the comment section on their Instagram posts because they can't handle what people are saying.
Comment sections aren't made for bullying. Your Facebook status isn't there for you to "expose" another girl. Most importantly, you weren't given the opportunity to publish your weekly thoughts just so you could tell girls they're not good enough to be a feminist.
Guess what? It's just as easy to spread messages of love as it is to spread hate. In fact, it's a little easier.