Over the past weekend, I went to the movies to see the 2016 reboot of the movie "Ghostbusters." While there were positive critic reviews, almost every review by an IMDB user rated the film 1/10 stars. I had low expectations for the movie, due to the reviews, and was so happy to be proven wrong. The movie was funny, action packed, edited well and filled with great acting proving why good female led movies are so important.
When the movie announced a female led cast, many people were not afraid to voice their negative opinions. We are so used to seeing male led films that a successful female led movie is treated as rare as an honest politician. Since "Ghostbusters" is a reboot, of course fans of the original films will be extra critical. Not only are the lead characters in the film unique and comical, but they are scientists. Three out of the four leads are women scientists. This is such amazing representation because they are not ditsy, but instead, serious geniuses. How special is this? I wish I could have seen this film when I was younger. To see powerful women as the driving force around this movie is so inspiring to girls of all ages.
People are starting to question why females doing something that leans toward traditionally male gender roles is made to be such a big deal and I love it. The headline of the New York Times' review of the 2016 "Ghostbusters" film includes the statement, "Girls Rule. Women Are Funny. Get Over It." This headline is showing how times have changed and everyone needs to catch on. Women can be strong. Women can be smart. Women can actually be funny. Women can change the world. Even the Barbie brand has expanded their range of dolls to include more women of different body types, skin colors and careers. The Barbie catalog now includes dolls with jobs such as pilot, video game developer and even as a presidential candidate and her running mate.
Positive female representation in the media is so important for not only young impressionable minds, but can also inspire any girl to chase after her dreams. When women are portrayed as weak or unintelligent, this does not only affect girls. People of all ages and genders are led to believe that that is how a woman truly is, resulting in a lack of self respect and respect for others. Anyone who works hard toward any goal can accomplish it. The cast did not become leading actresses overnight just as their characters did not become scientists overnight.
Since the film is a part of the "Ghostbusters" series, it is not entirely serious and at times is quite cheesy. However, it is a prime example of how powerful strong female characters can be. Personally, I highly encourage you to see the film and hopefully we will continue to have more accurate representation of all of the hard-working women in the world. Here's to you guys.