I admit that I have committed a grave sin towards my American citizenship: I have no idea what the point of Memorial Day is. I mean, I had no idea what it was until I spent some time researching what I am about to celebrate this weekend.
Let’s be clear: I understood that it was a day of remembrance for those who died serving the US, usually in some branch of the military. However, I didn’t understand the deeper meaning behind it. Or how remembering them involved sitting on our butts and eating cheap burgers and hot dogs. I didn’t learn the answer to that question in my research, however, I did learn a lot of fun facts about Memorial Day.
1. Over two dozen cities and towns claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day.
2. Memorial Day was born out of the Civil War.
Why? No one knows. Maybe because a lot of people died in the Civil War. But then again, a lot of people died in previous wars. I’m no good at history, so I have no clue.
3. Memorial day is a time to strew the graves of fallen US soldiers with flowers, or otherwise decorating them.
4. It was made a National Holiday in 1971, with the passage of the National Holiday Act.
Did you know that this Act is the reason that we have three-day weekends for Federal holidays?
5. In Dec 2000, the “National Moment of Remembrance” resolution asks that at 3 p.m. on Memorial Day, every American voluntarily observes, in their own way, a moment of remembrance and respect.
The ways that they suggest doing so are observing a moment of silence, or listening to “Taps.”
6. Although it is not observed today, at one time it was the tradition to eat a picnic in a cemetery on Memorial Day.
I don’t know whether to be creeped out by this, or just disgusted that people would choose to eat their meal by rotting dead people and bones.
7. There is a difference between Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day.
While Veteran’s Day honors all people that have served in the US military, Memorial Day honors only those who have died in battle.
8. No one can really point to one reason why we choose to barbecue on Memorial Day.
My opinion is that it might have formed from businessmen trying to sell us something -- like many holidays arise and are grossly made into something other than their original meaning.
While stuffing your face full of barbecue and other meats, please take some time to remember the reason we are free to celebrate any holiday -- and remember those who died so that we could live.