If you've been paying attention to the news at all or even been following any sort of social media site, you've probably witnessed the morale of the average American citizen dropping on a daily basis. With the constant media coverage of mass shootings, corrupt politicians, hate crimes, and the continual spread of racism and sexism throughout the country, there's no wonder why many Americans fear for the future.
After watching countless news channels, reading numerous articles and just simply being observant of those I surround myself with, I have often noticed one common theme: Americans have lost God. Now, please understand, you may not be religious and you may not agree with my statement, and I understand that. You don't have to agree with me, but as an American, just like you have the right to disagree with me, I have the right to openly state my support for my Lord and Savior. Maybe just hear me out for a second.
Segregation has not been a new occurrence, but it is 2016, and often times I question the progress that is being made. Yes, we've eliminated racial segregation laws, we've legalized gay marriage, and women are now accepted and encouraged in the work place, but have really accepted this integration? In my opinion, no. There is hatred and bigotry being publicly displayed constantly. Just because a law has been created to eliminate such behavior, there is no way to completely eliminate this mentality from the minds of those opposed.
Americans are selfish. They want what they want and they don't want it any other way. Don't agree with transgender laws? Boycott Target. Think women should stay home with their children? Refuse to give them an equal wage. Don't agree with the same-sex lifestyle? Murder dozens of innocent human beings. Think your race is more distinguished than another? Devalue someone else's life, and treat them like less simply because they look different than you. This may be the 21st century and new laws are popping up left and right to eliminate this kind of behavior, but that won't solve the issue. I fear for America's future because this is 2016, and we have lost sight of God's path. Because of this, we have lost love.
In Matthew 22, someone asks Jesus which of the commands is most important. To this, Jesus answers that the greatest command is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. He then goes on to say the next greatest command is to love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus never says to love the person who looks like you. He never says only to love those who love Him. He never says to only love those who do not sin. He simply says to love your neighbor, and I think as Christians, and simply as people, we have lost sight of this concept.
35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37 Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' - Matthew 22: 35 - 39 (NIV)
With so many people advocating for equals rights for all races, genders, and sexual orientations, why is it that everyday people are trying to silence Christians? I know why. Stereotypes are common. We stereotype women, African-Americans, Muslims, homosexuals, and we even stereotype Christians. Not every Christian is associated with the Westboro Baptist Church, much like not every Muslim supports the acts of 9/11. As Christians, we need to stop spreading messages of hate, and as Americans we need to stop silencing religious association. One of my favorite passages in 1 John 4 talks about how we should love one another for love is a gift from God. Today too many people are either so obsessed with silencing the scripture or manipulating it to fit their hateful agendas. Bottom line: God told us to love people. He may not condone their acts, but as each of us are sinners, it is our job to love one another regardless.
7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. - 1 John 4: 7-8
Do you want to know why I fear for America's future? Because people are running away from God, rather than towards Him. It is in these horrible times that we as Americans and simply as human beings, need to gather together and learn to love each other. As the love begins to spread and the ignorance begins to stop, the selfish nature of the average American will diminish and our country will be great again. Now, even if you are not religious, there is something to take away from this. Regardless of what you believe in, you as a person who lives, breathes, and feels should strive to treat and love someone else the way you would want them to love you.
Like I stated previously, I firmly believe the United States of America is the greatest country on Earth, and I want to keep it that way. So do me a favor, show a little less hate and a lot more love.