I was born into a very Spanish family. We eat a lot, we talk a lot (and loudly), we dance a lot, we pray a lot, but the best part is we love. A lot. We are big on the concept of family. For as long as I can remember not only was Sunday a holy day, but it was "family day." I grew up knowing I was, without a doubt, loved and that I was cherished by those around me. Even when they would get on my nerves, they were my "people." But I never knew how important that would truly be until recently.
Moving away makes you see things in a very different perspective. When you're young you want to party and have all the fun, but none of the work. There are times when you are almost irritated by the fact that little sisters inhabit your space, or that parents text you incessantly about being home on time. Can I tell you a secret? I'd give anything to have those kinds of irritations in my life again. Though I'm on my own path, one my parents more than support and pushed me to follow, I can't help but always feel a little bit incomplete being so far away from my messy, crazy, hilarious family. They are the reason I look in the mirror daily and am so proud of the woman I am. I count my blessings, and often, because I know that sometimes parents abandon their children, or they're physically there but maybe not emotionally. I got *two* parents who gave their all and were always there for me, no matter what.
I pray often to find a long term job that will support me financially, lessen my monetary stresses, maybe even allow me to have a family one day and not make me choose between housewife and businesswoman. That would be a big blessing. But, truth be told, if that's not the case one day, if I never reach that sort of "success", it's okay. Because I will always be so rich due to the family I'm lucky to be surrounded by.
So look at your family, whether they're blood related or not. Count your blessings. Be thankful for the things life has given you that we tend to forget in our day to day hustle.
This is why family will always be the backbone in everything I do, whether near or far.