The new school year if officially in full swing, and while many people dread the homework, and tests, there is still an excitement linked to starting the fall semester of college. People have been longing to get back to their college lifestyle, and three months of built up excitement makes the return to your college town that much more appealing. People will usually debate which semester is their favorite - fall or spring? Well, I'm here to settle the debate and tell you why the fall semester is by far the best time of the year.
1. Finally Being Reunited With Your Friends
Sure you get to do this any time you come back from a holiday, but you haven't seen the people that keep you sane in three whole months. There is no better feeling than getting to hug your best friend after all that time.
2. Football Season
3. Tailgating
With every game day comes the tailgates. Tailgating isn't just a weekend activity. It's a lifestyle. It doesn't matter if you have a huge test coming up after the weekend. You're fully committed to this day long affair.
4. Halloween
There's just something about the decorations and the mood of the holiday that get me really, really excited. Also, it doesn't hurt that Halloweentown is on Disney Channel three times a week.
5. Thanksgiving Break
What's there not to love? You get a break filled with relaxation, family time, and a whole lot of food to get you ready for the upcoming week of finals. The break just makes you ten times more motivation to finish the semester and get to Christmas break.
6. Tacky Christmas Parties
Unfortunately, finals always begin looming around the most wonderful time of the year, so naturally, college kids decide to throw on a Christmas sweater that has a reindeer with blinking antlers on it and let loose.
So cheers to the fall semester and all the fun, exciting things that come along with it!