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Fall is a Terrible Season, Here's Why

It's especially bad for college students who in the middle of their exams

Fall is a Terrible Season, Here's Why

Flashback to when we watched cartoons and Disney movies on the television and we would always see the cartoon character jumping happily and dancing in the middle of a good autumn breeze with golden brown leaves floating around them. We always thought that fall was the best season ever with the cool breeze and beautiful weather and that we just started school so there weren't any tests, but boy were we wrong to assume that. Here's the top reasons why fall is a terrible season.

1. The Flu


Remember when your mom always took you to take shots during this time of the year and you would hate your mom for it? Well you should be thanking your mom instead now because fall is the best season for the flu and other "nice" viruses to transmit through the air and entering your body system. If you didn't get a flu shot yet and have the virus, good job! Now you're sick, exhausted, coughing non stop, and feel like existence is nothing more than pain. Being in college is even worst assuming that you live on campus or by yourself. Not only are you dead inside but there's no one there to bring some hot water for you or take care of you. You also have to go to classes and be dying from shivering while walking even though it's not even at freezing temperatures and you have 4 layers of clothing on.

2. Exams


I'm currently sitting on top of 2 upcoming exams, a handful of quizzes, and some projects all due within a week. The middle of fall signals the death of so many college student's sleep and free time. Not only are you sick now, but you will also have several exams waiting for you to take but you can't even study for them because you're nearly dying from a fever. So now not only are you dead physically, you are also dead spiritually and mentally and probably ready to give up altogether.

3. The Cold


Who said that fall has the best weather? As of right now everyday walking to class is a walk of life and death. Not only are the temperatures reaching near freezing temperatures but the cold wind also isn't helping. You would occasionally get one day where the temperature isn't freezing and the sun is out, but those days seem to not be coming around. It's nearly no difference between winter and fall with the exception of a few leaves on trees and the lack of snow.

4. The Leaves


Why are leaves called leaves? Because they leave during the fall and also one of the reasons why fall is so bad. You would think it's fun to jump in leaf piles and feel the leaves fall around you as if you had some kind of super power but boy are you wrong. For people like us that are sensitive to the falling leaves and their material this is like doomsday for us. We would get terrible allergies due to these falling, toxic bombs.

5. Time for Hurricanes


From studying the frequency of hurricanes and the time they occur the most, scientists published a report saying that mid-August and the end of November is the peak period for Hurricanes to occur, right on top of the fall season. So now not only do you have to worry about turning in assignments and illnesses, you also have to worry whether you're going to be blown up by a hurricane.

Through careful reasoning and thorough analysis it's fair to say that fall is officially the worst season out of all four of the seasons in a year. Unless you have a natural immunity to diseases, body made out of steel that could withstand strong winds, a complete nerd that could ace every single class taken, aren't allergic to leaves, and a natural space heater in your body, you're going to hate fall.

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