After a month and a half of an increasingly difficult semester, fall break is a wonderful thing. It is something I was looking forward to so much. I cannot pick out one distinct thing about it that makes it so enjoyable for me, but I can definitely say that it has been good to get away from campus for a bit.
In no particular order, here are the things that I think make fall break so enjoyable:
1. Being in My Hometown and Own House Again
2. Home Cooking
I cannot even begin to say how exciting it is to get away from school food. The cafeteria food had become so boring and gross after only the first few weeks of classes, which led to eating at the Grill and Quakeria so often that those also became boring to eat at and the food lost its flavor. However, being home for fall break means that I get to eat home-cooked meals at both my dad's house and my grandma's house. Not to mention, I guarantee that I will be sent back to school with at least a few containers of leftovers to eat as meals the first few days back from break. Yum!
3. Sleeping In
4. Family
Both of my siblings are away at college and our fall breaks are not all at the same time, but I still have my dad around and my extended family. Living down the street from my grandma, an aunt and an uncle, and one of my cousins has its perks. I love being around family and having a chance to catch up with all of them after being away from them for a bit.
5. Fur Family
Yes, I do count my dogs as family. I love going outside to play with them in the backyard, take them for walks, and watch them run all over the house. It is especially comforting to curl up in my bed at night with my German Shepherd laying next to me on my bed.
6. Sweatpants Are Acceptable Anytime
7. Netflix, TV, and Movie Marathons
I have not had nearly as much free time the past few weeks as I'd had at the very beginning of the school year thanks to the crazy amount of work my professors have assigned, the intramural job I have, and lacrosse practices and workouts. This means that I have not been watching nearly as much Netflix as I used to watch. Or movies. Or TV shows. So fall break gives me the free time to binge-watch, have marathons, and catch up on shows that I fell behind on. Right now I am going back on forth on Netflix between Arrow and Gilmore Girls, and catching up on NCIS and Bull on live TV.
8. Being Away From Any Drama/Problems
Fall break is also a good opportunity to get away from any drama that has been happening or problems that have been occurring within your friend group. It is nice to get away for a bit, get some space and some air, and just have some time to yourself and away from it all.
9. New Stories to Tell Friends
I hope all of you are enjoying your fall break as much as I am!