I just came home from a week long vacation in Lake Powell. My family and I take this vacation every year; I'm not sure if it's because of the beautiful scenery, the exhilarating activities, or the fact that we get to spend a week with each other with zero interruption from technology. It is such a freeing experience to not check your social media accounts every few hours, to not have the obligation to text anyone back, and to not have to worry about emails. I promise you, even if you don't have the opportunity to explore Lake Powell or any place without service, just shut down your phone or put it on airplane mode and just live a little. Here are all of the benefits I learned this past week.
1. You get to focus on the people around you.
Without your phone glued to your nose, you really get to know more about those around you. I got to learn about my uncle's journey to becoming a surgeon, I got to know more about my grandpa and how he worked three jobs to support his family, and I got to know more about my sister and our friends as well as their hopes and their dreams and their fears. Or you learn simple things like how your best friend hates jelly, and your sister is really tough. I feel like you are able to listen and observe so much better without the weight of your phone.
2. You go straight to bed at night.
Without my phone, I was able to sleep so much better. At home, I spend hours at night scrolling through my social media accounts, checking emails, and reading blogs. However, with my phone shut off I was able to gaze at the stars, talk to my cousins, and fall asleep earlier and wake up earlier and refreshed.
3. You have actual conversations with those around you.
Without our phones, my family and I were able to have actual conversations that mattered. We talked about politics, the education system, and philosophical ideas without being able to look up any additional information. You get to hear your families views on intense subjects and they get to hear yours. Honestly, you just get to learn about your family and friends, and it's so nice to just talk without your phone barrier.
4. You form stronger bonds with your family and friends.
You learn to spend quality time with those around you. You are spending every second of the day with these people. Swimming, playing games. boating, fishing. I promise if you had your phone during these moments you would not laugh as hard, love as strong, or form these strong bonds that will never be broken.
5. You forget about doing it for the gram or for the snap.
Everybody today is constantly doing things so that they can show it off on their iInstagram. You don't take pictures for Instagram, you take pictures on real cameras to remember the moments you had with those you love. As far as Snapchat, if we would have had service, every single second of the day would have been spent putting videos or pictures for the world to see. But it makes it so much more special when these moments are only shared with those you are with.
6. You do everything for the experience.
Everything from cliff jumping, to tubing, to skiing are all done for the experience. You are not thinking about anything other that doing what's right in front you. You don't have to be at the lake; you can be anywhere. Just put down your phone and live.
7. You're in a generally better mood.
This one is simple, I am generally happier when my phone is turned off. I don't know why. All I can say is shut your phone off and watch how much your mood improves.
8. Open to more opportunities.
Without your phone, you are open to do anything. For some reason, your phone constantly holds you back. When I shut my phone off, I become more confident, more daring, and just more ready to live my life.
9. There is no need to be constantly worrying.
With your phone attached to your hip, you are waiting on emails, or to see if your textbooks are up to buy, when you can get the keys to your new house, or what your work schedule looks like. When you shut off your phone, all the worrying ceases. You just live in the moment, worry-free.
10. It just makes everything better.
Turn off your phone for a few hours, a day, a week and I promise you that you will learn all of these things and more. It might even change your perspective a little, and then next time you sit down for dinner with your family you will set your phone down, or the next time you go on a hike with your boyfriend you'll leave your phone in the car. I think we all need to start living life to its fullest and stop hiding behind the screen of our phones. Stop letting your phone weigh you down. Live a little, have real conversations, laugh, and love without your phone constantly being on your mind. Just be happy!