I personally believe that anyone who is a living, breathing human should identify as a feminist, or at least be an advocate for feminism. So many people see feminists and the feminism movement as something that it is not.
If one would look up the word in a Merriam-Webster Dictionary, he or she would find the definition of feminism to be "the theory of political, social, and economic equality of the sexes." If one would like to go further, he or she can find the definition of a feminist to be "a person who supports feminism."
I don't see anything wrong with either of these definitions. I don't see why people make all feminists out to be a radical group of people who are trying to overpower men and take over the world. That is not what feminists stand for at all. Feminists simply stand for equality of the sexes. Feminists want a woman to be able to make her own decisions about her life without the need of a man to tell her what to do or how to do it. Is there anything wrong with this?
Why should one group be treated better than another group? Why is it assumed that a man is smarter and has more credibility than a woman? Why does the pay gap still exists in 2016? Why did it ever exists? Are men threatened by women? Are they upset because women are "stealing" jobs and positions that they could not possess in the past?
Perhaps we will never know the answers to any of these questions, or perhaps the answer is simply that the fragile male ego cannot handle "losing" to a woman. The question that I have is simply this: "Why doesn't everyone identify as a feminist?"