I grew up in a Christian home, and was raised on Christian values. It wasn't until I attended Summer camp at The Springs Ministries, however, that I fully believed everything I had been taught my entire life. The camp and retreat center is in a remote location in Gladwin, Michigan off of M-30, and it was here that my knowledge of God, turned into believing whole heartedly.
The first year that I attended the week long summer camp, I was fourteen. I was a middle schooler who was struggling with my self-image, and who desperately wanted an escape from reality for awhile. I was losing hope, with myself, my friends, and everyone around me. When my cousin asked me if I wanted to go with her to summer camp for entire week, I took the opportunity and ran with it. Any plan to go across the country with out my parents, and spend an entire week away from reality, as a teenager, was a good plan to me. But I am so glad I did this.
I realize, now, that this was God stretching His hands out to me and saving me when I needed it most. I returned to the summer camp 7 times over the span of the next three summers. I fell in love with this camp, and I fell in love with God. I was saved here, my brother was later saved here, my baby sister was then saved here, and I watched hundreds of others get saved on this beautiful camp ground.
If that alone isn't enough to spark your interest on the ways God uses camps and retreats to spread His love and empowerment: please keep reading.
It brings you into an environment that is focused solely on God and His love.
Every member of the staff, and (almost) everyone else, is there for the same reason-- to make an eternal impact, to spread God's love and to learn about God's love. Between church services, worship, prayer, devotions, and a focus on Him in every activity that you'll do...all I can say is that you will feel and see His love all around you. It's one thing to hear a pastor describe God's love from a pew, but it's such a different and magical experience to feel His love growing inside of yourself and everyone around you. I wish I had words to really describe it to you, but it's something you just have to experience for yourself. There is nothing truly like it.
You will learn so much about our Lord and Savior, but you will also learn things about yourself that will surprise you.
Through devotion, and plenty of time away from technology, summer camp has a way of teaching us a lot about ourselves and what our true values are. You're given the opportunity to internally reflect the things that your mind usually avoids or that every day life gets in the way of. You'll find yourself forgiving those who have hurt you, including yourself, and things that have been eating you up, will finally come to rest. I found my inner peace here--I found God. You also have the opportunity to tackle your fear of heights, trust, or even your fear of approaching new people. You'll be able to try new things, or new foods. The opportunities to grow mentally and spiritually are endless. You will be able to push yourself and see how strong and powerful you really are with Him on your side.
You'll develop a deeper appreciation for the beautiful world that God divinely created for us.
There is nothing like singing songs of worship while looking up at a sky full of stars or doing your morning devotions in nature while the sun is still rising and grass is still dewy. Not only does summer camp get you out of the house, and force you to get some sun and fresh air, it also allows you to see nature in a whole new way. You'll find yourself looking at every squirrel, bird, or flower through the eyes of our creator, and let me tell you-- it's a beautiful thing.
You will learn how to work as a team and be a team player.
You'll be canoeing, zip lining, participating in outdoor activities, or doing team building exercises almost all day, every day, for an entire week. You're forced to learn how to work with others and do things as a team. If you go into it with a positive attitude and participate, not only will you create memories that will last a lifetime, but you'll leave camp with team working skills, leadership skills, communication skills, and unbreakable friendships.
Life-long friendships will be created.
As a young Christian, finding friendships that push you closer to God is difficult. At summer camp, you'll be surrounded by them. When your relationship's with God are growing together, it's impossible to not feel a connection to every person you meet. As you're growing up, you begin to realize that the number of friends you have is far less important than having true and real friendships-- and there is no better friend, than a friend who brings you closer to God. The friendships made here will change you for the better.
You'll connect with people that you wouldn't normally take the time to get to know.
You will learn to see other's through God's eyes and see how beautiful each individual truly is. Some of the best friends you will make are the ones you did not think you would have anything in common with. At camp, you are all Christians-- you all have this one thing in common and it has brought you all together. This makes it easier to create friendships in places that you normally wouldn't back home. Not only does this bring you more Godly friendships, but it teaches you a lot about empathy and relating to others. Something every young person needs to learn.
You get the opportunity to worship God in a way that is a little less formal.
A lot of churches stick to formal and traditional ways of worship and praise. There is nothing wrong with this, but when you're young it can be hard to relate to a Hymn...or ten. However, at summer camp, you'll find yourself singing to songs that you find much more relatable and listen to sermons that are age based and directed. It's a unique experience that Christians of all ages can benefit from-- I had never cried during a sermon until I experienced this first hand.
You'll re-gain some of your faith in humanity.
Social media and news channels have a way of reminding us of all the negativity in the world. On top of that, we are getting hurt, scorned, lied to, or cheated almost every day. It isn't hard to lose site of the fact that there are still so many good hearted, Christian, and whole-some people out there. Summer camp reminded me of this. You're put into a community of people with similar morals and values as you. You're surrounded by people who are God loving and fearing Christians who want nothing but to feel and share His love. To see dozens and dozens of young Americans praising and singing His name...it gives you a little faith that the world isn't quite so bad after all.
If you're a young Christian who has never experienced a Christian Summer camp or Christian retreat, I highly suggest that you do-- or spend one summer working as a staff member. I promise you that you will not come out as the same person who entered. It's an emotional and beautiful journey that I wish more people would be able to experience. I know that when I have children one day, I will be encouraging them to spend a week of their summer at The Springs Ministries. It shaped who I am as a Christian and as a person. I've seen lives change. I've seen and felt miracles happen. Its brought me closer to God as a teenager, a time in our lives that is so easy to lose sight of Him. It saved me.