Chances are you’ve heard someone label you, or you’ve been able to label yourself, as either an introvert or an extrovert. Extroverts are typically outgoing and loud, while introverts are their characteristically quieter counterparts. Most identify pretty easily with one side, though others may have tendencies from both sides (less commonly known as an ambivert, or someone in the middle of the spectrum.) Either way, there are pros and cons to both personality types. As an introvert, my life has changed drastically for the better since I have found myself surrounded by extroverts. Here are a few reasons why I think we introverts will thrive when we have a strong extrovert presence in our life.
1. You’ll balance each other out. First and foremost, an introvert-extrovert relationship will include a healthy sense of balance. As an introvert, you will bring a sense of composed and constructive thinking. As an extrovert, they will bring a sense of fun and enthusiasm. They will be able to bring the excitement, and you will be able to calm them down when necessary. Opposites do attract, after all, and for good reason.
2. They’ll break you out of your comfort zone, even if it’s just for a moment. Put simply, as an introvert, sometimes you are going to get overstimulated when new and exciting situations are introduced. Extroverts, by nature, are outgoing and friendly. They enjoy social situations. You may not enjoy them, but sometimes you are going to be dragged along and forced to go to something you never would’ve thought to go to. Though this may seem scary at first, it will allow you to meet new people, experience and learn new things, and bit by bit you will become increasingly used to social settings. It might never be easy, but it will get easier.
3. They’ll make you go do fun things. Along the lines of breaking you out of your comfort zone, they will bring you along with them to fun activities and events you probably wouldn’t have gone to otherwise.Maybe you never would’ve gone to that party and met that boy if your friend hadn’t pushed past your whining about wanting to stay home and made you go with them. Maybe you wouldn’t have learned to love a sport if your friend hadn’t begged you to come along with them and play. The possibilities are endless, so next time your extroverted friend asks you to come along with them to a social event, push past the discomfort and tag along just cause you can.
4. They will help your confidence grow. Being around those who are confident, outgoing and happy is going to gradually increase your happiness and how you view yourself. I have seen myself grow to become more talkative, confident and cheerful while surrounded by extroverts.
Of course, it is important to remember your initial differences and that it’s okay to do your own thing sometimes. Extroverts, don’t be offended when your introverted friends don’t want to go to certain social events or need a break from social interaction for a little bit. Introverts, be willing to leave your comfort zone every once in a while. It’ll be worth it. I promise!