This past February, I had the opportunity to take a women's pistol safety and self-defense class, and I am a firm believer that every woman out there should take this opportunity, too. I grew up in a home surrounded by guns, so I am no stranger to handling them and being safe. However, the rifles I have used all my life are a little different than a pistol. Typically, a pistol is carried for defense, and nothing is more empowering as a woman than knowing how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
I may step on a few feminist toes here, but according to science, women typically aren’t as physically strong as men. Unfortunately in this day and age, women can become targets as victims for various crimes including robbery, rape and kidnapping, and I believe every girl should know how to protect herself from these things. When I was sitting in the all-female safety class, the instructors asked us why we came. Some of the answers made me absolutely sick. One woman said she was sitting at a red light with her toddler in the backseat, when a man opened her door and tried to pull her out. Another woman was a teacher, and told a story about a student who was caught with a gun and a hit list in his book bag. She was at the very top of his list. Of course she wouldn’t bring a gun to school, but she now feels more confident everywhere she goes. Most other women recounted stories of break-ins at their houses when they were alone. I don’t want to scare anyone, but these things really do happen, and they could happen to anyone.
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No longer can we rely on other people to protect us; it’s time to step up to the plate. I want to make it clear, however, that it takes a very strong type of person to carry a weapon. If you are attacked, it becomes a life or death situation, and seconds count. Could you actually pull the trigger, or would you freeze? Any hesitation could spell disaster, because the assailant could take the opportunity to grab the gun and turn the tables very quickly.
Sometimes, crime can be preventable before there is even a possibility of one being committed; awareness is key. Remember where you park your car when you grocery shop. Lock your doors as soon as you get in the car. Never sit there checking your phone; instead, drive away immediately. Rethink wearing cross-body bags, because someone can use it to strangle you from behind. Do not leave your purse in the shopping cart and turn your back. These are just a few tips that were mentioned again and again at the class. It sucks, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices and be proactive for safety. Some women may think, “Well, I don’t have any good places to hide a gun on my body because it’s too obvious.” A lady demonstrated for us how easy it is to hide them by hiding eight guns on her person at once, and we had no idea. There are plenty of different holsters to choose from, anywhere from hip to back to ankle. They even make them for fanny packs, aka my favorite accessory.
At the end of the day, the world is a scary place. Taking away guns seems like a good idea to some people, until they are in a bank when it gets robbed. Criminals will always find a way to get a hold of guns. They don’t care about laws because they are criminals -- duh. Because of this fact, we can take advantages of our Second Amendment rights and protect ourselves and our homes. I urge every woman to check state laws and get a concealed carry permit to feel more safe and confident in everyday life.