We use them all the time. Our parents (my parents😒) make fun of us for it unless they use them as well. And why? They're just tiny pictures of yellow circles making different expressions, or a heart or a leaf or a unicorn or a piece of poo with a smiley face 😑 😂. Why do we need any of that? To express our individuality through things created for the masses? So that there can be a movie about them where Patrick Stuart voices the bow-tie wearing poo emoji? For real though, he is, I'M SO HYPE!💩. But no. It is simple; we need them because our generations way of communicating has gotten to a point where a majority of it is done through texting, there is no face to face when it comes to this kind of contact, we need that little picture to let the other person know what we're feeling in an effort to avoid catastrophic miscommunication; the which I have suffered first hand🙈.
If you're like me, you have a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor where you always know when someone is joking but when you joke back, which is always, they don't realize you are and think that you didn't realize they were joking. It's a heavy cross to bear 😜. See I put that in to make it clear that I was in fact joking about that being such a huge burden. Also if you're like me you're a terrible texter. I did not realize for the longest time how much I needed emojis in my life. It wasn't until I began realizing that the responses to my sarcasm were serious and apologetic that I understood. I cringe when looking back on old texts I sent realizing that texts I sent that didn't have an emoji to indicate that I wasn't being serious came across as just bitchy remarks. No wonder people think I can't take a joke, without An emoji, my sarcastic joke is just an abrasive shut-down. They are as necessary as an "lol" a "jk" a "haha" an exclamation point, etc. most of which I have also failed to employ in my texting😁. In the world of texting, emojis equal tone. In the real world, often times what matters most is not what you say but how you say it. Depending on tone, a simple word like “thanks” or "sorry" can take on vastly different meanings. Without an emoji, a simple word like this can be misconstrued. This is often what leads to people dissecting a texts meaning, or worrying that something is wrong when a text appears snippy. For example, a friend of mine tried to make a joke saying that they would spend all of their time visiting me playing with my cats rather than me 😝, and I naturally responded with, “go ahead, I don’t need you, my cats will hate you anyway.” ‘cause for real, I’m just as fun as my cats 😼 😎. But I gave no indication that I was joking so I just sounded mad and my friend apologized stating that she was only kidding. And that’s not nearly the worst instance. I’m pretty sure my poor, abrasive, emoji-less texting has at times put a damper on connections with people in my life 😕. But I’m learning now 😅.
If you are not a fan of emojis then don’t use them. The emoji world needs to be improved and expanded on so many levels anyway but anyway; when you text, you know what you mean, and others will just have to deal with it. All I am saying, is that using them will save you explaining what you mean. Also you can totally have a full conversation using only emojis and up your flirting game💯. A picture is worth a thousand words friends; so to is an emoji.
Plus, isn’t it great when someone sends you “🍆” (we all know what it means), and you can just be like “😷.” So many different meanings now 😂.