Every day we are met with questions of why. Why is blue your favorite color? Why do you hate raw fish? Why did you turn left instead of right? But one why question I seem to get the most often is “why do you like the music you listen to." For many people, it is the lyrics the artist may be singing, or the voice of that artist that serenades you, maybe you even like the music just because of the person singing the song, rather than the actual melodies. For me, I like the music I listen to because of the way it makes me feel. But, I don’t just mean the way it makes me feel emotionally, it is much more than that.
My favorite over-arching genre of music is electronic dance music, which relies heavily on bass and deep moving beats. Not only do I feel the songs I listen to on an emotional level, but with the bass and drums I can actually feel the music physically. With electronic dance music, not only are you getting the lyrical and vocal aspects of music, but also the aspect of bass and beats. With speakers loud enough, bass can shake a whole car, room, even a stage at a music festival. The sound waves created from the bass pulsates from the speakers and straight into your body, making you physically feel what you are listening to. The moments I can feel the music I am listening to are the happiest in my day.
Music, for me as well as many, is a release. When listening to a song you love, you can escape from your reality and feel the lyrics, voice, beats, and bass. I like the music I listen to because of the way it makes me feel mentally, physically, and emotionally. Because of the feeling I get in my toes that tells me to get up and dance. Because of the bouncing I feel in my chest with every drop connecting me to the song pumping through the speakers. Whether you are a lover of country, rock, EDM, or pop you love your music because of the way it makes you feel. The next time someone asks you why you are listening to what you are, hand them the headphones or turn up your speaker. Feeling what you are will explain your answer a lot better than words can. If you want to know more about why I listen to the music I do, check out some of my favorites below.