Sex Week is one of those things where the normal person might miss without blinking an eye. Many people don't prioritize sexual health in their lives. That's why it's so important to have a Sex Week and why it's important that we should not only celebrate it for one week but all of the time. In the light of recent politics, reproductive and sexual health as been under scrutiny, and Planned Parenthood has been the subject of many a republican's disapproval. That's why it's necessary to step up to the plate and advocate for sexual health!
The College has been having events all week, from talks about toys and safety to free STD testing in Lowry. As a part of Wooster VOX I try to be involved for more than just a week, and as a Planned Parenthood affiliate, I am proud to know such strong people who advocate tirelessly and won't give up the fight for repro-justice. Sex Week is all about education and awareness, and the more we educate, the safer the general population will be. The more education the people have, the more power they have. When awareness goes up, risk of STDs and unplanned pregnancies go down. I'm not here to tell you how to live your sexual life but I am here to tell you that education is so so important, and you should never be afraid to ask questions. No matter how awkward you might think it is or how ridiculous, it is important! Sex is stigmatized but it won't be for much longer if we keep working to normalize it.
Being informed and safely takes priority over all hesitations! Stay educated.