Pizza has to be one of the most amazing foods on the planet. I convinced that it is magical. It can solve any problem, such as:
1. A Bad Day
You woke up late, you're a not-so-hot mess, and things just get worse from there. Those days where nothing can go right can definitely be improved with pizza.
2. Breakups
Breaking up sucks a lot. But you know what doesn't suck? Pizza. It can and will cure your shattered heart. And, it will never leave you to boot.
3. Stress
You're overwhelmed, overworked, and underslept. Pizza can alleviate that also.
4. Boredom
Being bored is lame, and, frankly, boring. You know what's not boring? Pizza, obviously.
5. Sadness
Pizza can definitely comfort you when you're sad.
6. Hunger
Hungry? (You should be by now after all these pizza pictures; I know that I am.) Pizza can definitely solve that.
7. No Pizza
No pizza is a problem. It is the worst problem that one can have. Having pizza can solve this problem almost immediately.