When I walk into the dining court for lunch, I always ask myself, "Should I eat healthy today?" Sometimes I eat a really good salad that fills me up, but sometimes I end up caving in to unhealthy things. Usually when I get food, I remember how my stomach seems a little heftier than I'd like, and I decide I will eat healthier that meal. I peruse the choices, but when I come across french fries, everything goes down. I might as well pull out the white flag right then and there. Potatoes happen to be my soul food- I love french fries, hash-browns, tater tots, fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, and anything else that comprises potatoes. Do I fight my eyes that are watering over the sight of one of my favorite foods, or do I say no like a champion and find something like rice to eat instead? The slew of questions is just beginning.
If I had fries would that be bad? What if I had a healthy option main-food to balance the unhealthiness of the fries? Would it be weird to eat a salad with french fries? That does seem weird, so what should I have.... wait, they have chicken tenders today? Chicken is healthy, right? Does it still count if it's fried? Sure, why not? Who can say no to chicken tenders?
I now have chicken tenders and french fries on my plate, and I wonder why I haven't already gained the freshman 15. I also feel guilty that I should be eating healthy, and then I visit the fruit options to feel somewhat better about myself for eating something good for my body. The fruit, however, is right next to the salad, and then I feel even more guilty that I'm not having a healthy salad. That's when I tell myself, "Supper. There's always supper."
I now have chicken tenders, french fries, and fruit on my plate, and I decide that I have enough food. When I am finished and realize that I can grab a cookie, or two, and eat them on the way out, I feel that I must take advantage of this awesome opportunity. So much for the fruit, right?
These mind games occur every time I go to eat food. I know that eating healthy is important, but I also love eating unhealthy. I would never say no to things like my mom's chocolate chip cookies, my grandma's homemade pies, or my great-grandma's cakes. I love rainbow sherbet, jellybeans, and Hershey's kisses, and I love popcorn, Doritos, and classic cheeseburgers. I know these things are all unhealthy, but I'm tired of saying no. I'm tired of debating with my conscience on whether or not I'm allowed to eat those foods. I love food, and I'm going to eat it!
It is important to think about what you are eating. There is no doubt about it. It is also important to enjoy food too and to not let food control your life, whether unhealthy or healthy. There are salads for a reason, and there are also chicken tenders for a reason. Food should never control your life, though. It wasn't designed to do that. It wasn't made to create mind games. It was meant to be enjoyed, and it's important to enjoy it- both unhealthy and healthy!