It's a question I get asked almost daily: "Why do you dye your hair?" It's a simple question, but I get very tired of answering it. To me, my hair is something I can use to express myself without having to be vocal about, well, anything. Dying my hair has become part of my personality, in all honesty. So here I am, answering all the questions I have gotten about my hair. Let's begin!
"Why do you dye your hair?"
Simple. Because I want to. At first, it was because I hated my natural hair. Not quite brown, but not quite blonde. It was the major black mark on my idea of perfection. So, I started to dye it blonde. It was a natural progression of blonde, slowly going to almost bleach blonde. Then I stopped caring what others thought of my hair. I dyed my hair brown and the tips a fuschia-pink. I haven't stopped since. So far, I've had lavender, light brown, red, black, two-toned silver and black, bright pink, auburn, bright turquoise, dark purple, and white. I'm definitely not going to stop.
"Will you ever grow out your hair to its natural color?"
No, most likely not. I have a lot more acceptance of my natural hair color, but I also do not have the patience to wait for it to grow out. I also will not grow out my hair just so someone else can see it. If someone really wants to see what my hair looked like before I started dying it, I have photos. Honestly, that's the best anyone's going to get.
"Why don't you do ____ color?"
No offense. I get that when anyone does this, they're trying to be helpful, but honestly, it's really not. Unless I ask for a recommendation for a new color, it's unnecessary and I really don't care that much about your preferences. My hair is not some sort of game, it's not something for others' entertainment. It is my hair and, at the end of the day, it is my choice of what color I do.
"You looked good in ___ color. Why don't you do that again?"
Again, sort of the same response as the last one, being as it's a different variation of the same question. Generally, I try not to do the same hair color twice. It adds more excitement and I don't like trying to redo a color to the exact way it was once before. It's very difficult and, again, I'm impatient as well as lazy.
"Why don't you just become a hairdresser if you like dying your own hair so much?"
Just because I like doing something and it turns out okay most of the time, doesn't mean I want to spend my career doing it. There are things called hobbies and this is mine. Plus, just because I'm good at doing my own hair doesn't mean I'm good at doing others'. If I had the same experience doing others' hair as I do mine, then maybe, but right now, no.
Hopefully, my hair will continue to not die as I continue to dye my hair many different colors.