Freshman year is one of the most important times in a young man or woman's life. It's your first time away from home; where everything is done for you. You're stuck in a dorm with a bunch of random people and expected to live on your own. Living in dorms is one of the best and worst experiences you will have Freshman year. You meet your first true friends who survive the first two weeks of school. You stay up late and eat in your lounge. The life in dorms is, and will forever be, one of the worst experiences you'll ever have.
Dorms are cesspools of human beings. Walking into your floor's bathroom is equivalent to walking through a chemical wasteland. Germs cover the floor, the walls, and the showers. Walking around without shoes on is sickness waiting to happen. The showers do not work half of the time, and when they do, it's a drizzle at best. Most of the toilets are compromised on a daily basis, and there is usually no hope for them to work in the next week.
Then there are the people who live in the dorms. Loud, unpleasant, with no regard for any other human within a mile. They are some of the lowest life forms on earth. Students steal and destroy everything and anything in sight. They tear down the hall decorations and spray shaving cream all over the halls. They are up till all hours of the night, blaring music. They are sleeping in the bathrooms because they're too intoxicated to move from their place of puking.
However, by far, the worst part about living in the dorms is the fire alarms. No matter what hour of the night it is, you will find the fire alarm blaring. Students use it as an excuse to steal from each other when people are moving too fast to lock their doors. Alarms wake you up from precious hours of sleep and take you away from the dorm when you are doing your work. Fire alarms are the bane to any freshman's existence.
Dorms are seen as wonderful places where students grow into the adulthood that awaits them. I however, can not wait to get out of the dorms. I'm done with fire alarms, bad people, and poor living conditions.