Ever since becoming a Communications major, I get asked all the time on what I want to do and where I see myself career wise after I receive my degree. I get asked the most popular questions, "What even is Communications...What do you do with it...What does it even mean...What kind of job can you have with that?" To be honest, I'm still finding more and more answers to that question every day and continuing to see non stop opportunities for myself in that field, which is just exactly what I like to see.
Ever since a young age, I never really fully committed or devoted myself to one specific thing. My hobbies were always so different as opposed to just one stagnant thing. My mind is constantly changing, and it's been like that since a young age. Even in high school, there wasn't one specific thing I took interest in. I jumped all over the place. I even took part in the school's musicals out of no where for two consecutive years. Even when it came to friends, I wasn't a part of one specific or distinct clique or group, I remember hovering all over the place amongst different groups of people and finding myself speaking to everybody. All in all, I lived and continue to live a very versatile life.
The same thing applies to my chosen major and my plans and goals for the future. To tell you the truth, I honestly don't really have a single or flat out answer to give to somebody when they ask me what type of job I can get after college. However, I have goals and visions on where I myself would like to go with my degree when it comes to choosing a career. Ever since a young age, I've always been obsessed with attention, and that still is the case up to this day. Positive attention, obviously. I've always envisioned myself on screen somewhere, whether it be a talk show host, actor, anchor, broadcaster; you name it, I've dreamt it. I've grown up all my life getting told by family, relatives, friends, and new people I meet that they can see me somewhere on T.V. And being me, I obviously take some secret pride in that. My own family has even started keeping track of the number of times I've said over and over again how I see my future self in New York and plan on moving there as soon as I get any type of career.
Honestly, I've gotten used to the number of times people ask me where I plan to go with my degree after graduating. And I've gotten used to the number of times I've been saying: "Oh, you can honestly do an array of things: Public Relations, Media, Broadcasting/Anchoring, Marketing.." I enjoy the wide array of possible opportunities that are available for me after I graduate, and I couldn't be happier. A Nursing major is going to be exactly that, a Nurse. An Engineering major is going to be exactly that, an Engineer. A Finance major is going to be exactly that, a Financial Analyst. However, I myself enjoy not honing in on one specific thing. I have always and still continue to enjoy having open options.
I write this article for anyone and everyone who has and will continue to ask me where I see myself in the future as a Communications major. The amount of times I've received those questions are starting to make me think that all of you are actually quite concerned about my future. You should know that I'm not, and I have full confidence that no matter what I do, it will all work out for me in the end in the way it's supposed to, and I welcome it all with open arms.
Cheers to this not even in the slightest being an ounce of your problem.