Buying gifts for people is one of those things that just gives me a bit of anxiety for a few reasons. Chiefly, I don’t know if they will like it or accept it and there are a few examples of both of these.
1. Interests may have changed
It’s difficult to pick up on things that someone like while also keeping track of those things. Fads come and go. It would be the worst to see someone open a gift and react with “oh”. Additionally, someone may have an interest in a movie, but not enough to get a blanket of said movie or a pillowcase or something like that.
2. Repeats are a thing
While you are desperately looking for a gift for a specific person, so are a bunch of other people. Every so often, a repeat gift is bound to happen. While this isn’t so bad for things such as clothing, if the gifts were for a housewarming, two toasters are going to seem pointless. And, if repeats are to be avoided, getting in contact with all friends and family members can be increasingly stressful.
3. It’s expected to be a surprise
On top of the previous two reasons mentioned, gifts are supposed to be a surprise, which can be difficult when guessing what they want. You can only ask so much before they know what they want. Also, if it’s someone in the same living space, they may even try to find out early. This within itself can be very frustrating.
4. I can’t afford what they deserve
As for a few select people, I wish I could give them the world when I can only afford a pack of gum. I always worry about gifts not seeming sincere because they look cheap. It’s difficult to find the middle point.
5. Advertisements are uncomfortable
Some ads give off the sense of “if you don’t get this for your mom/SO/best friend, etc. you don’t care about them”. There’s a lot of pressure with buying things in general and that’s why I personally am starting to like online shopping more, but in that case items can’t be seen in person and it’s more of a hassle to return them.
Overall, buying gifts is stressful. Am I going to stop buying gifts for the people I love? Of course not, just because I have some problems to overcome doesn't mean they shouldn't get gifts. It's just an obstacle to overcome every gift-giving season.