Ever since my second semester at college, I always made sure I made some time every week to have fun. I didn’t party in high school, so this new way of living was extremely exciting to me. I loved going out on the weekends with my friends, especially when I was stressed.
The main reason I don’t like going out as much anymore is that it’s honestly not that fun. The bars I can actually get into are always ridiculously crowded, the music is always extremely loud, and frankly, I don’t like being around drunk people anymore, even when I’m drunk myself.
The noise, the people…it all gets to be too much for me nowadays. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy going out occasionally with my friends on the weekend, but going out and getting drunk three-five days in a row just isn’t a priority for me anymore.
I’d much rather stay in with my roommates. Whether we’re having a movie night, or we just stay up talking and doing stupid shit, staying in with the people I actually enjoy being around is so much nicer than going out and wandering around town on a 20 degree night in upstate New York.
I know college is a time where you’re supposed to have fun and do crazy stuff, but I feel like I am having fun, and I've partied enough during my time as an underclassman. I realized I don’t need to go out all the time in order to enjoy my time at college. Sure, it's great to get out every once in a while, but it gets old, eventually. At least it did for me.
I know to some people this may sound "lame" or a "waste of my college years" but in this semester alone I find myself not only having more money, but having better grades as well. I also find myself experiencing FOMO (fear of missing out) less and less. I'd just much rather be curled up in bed reading a good book or watching a scary movie than out getting wasted.
Who knows, maybe once I turn 21 I'll go out more often, but as of right now I'm perfectly content with my "boring" weekends.