Never have I ever seen as many posts as I have during this political election. There are multitudes of opinions being thrown around on Facebook, twitter, and just about every social media network possible. I have seen profound and aggressive statements stating that there is only one right way to vote. However, the last time I checked, I did not become friends with these people to nearly hear them throw their opinions at my face and bash others for what they believe in. This political election has brought out some characteristics in people that I have never seen before, and it’s hard for me to quite comprehend why that is the case. I do understand that we are passionate people and will fight for what we believe in. What I don’t understand is why we have to put others down in the process of it all.
With that being said, I do not care who you vote for.
I don’t care if you believe Trump is a terrible person or if Hilary is a criminal. I don’t even care if you don’t want to vote. What I care about is how you choose to act towards others despite the candidate they are voting for. We are all free to have our own thoughts, beliefs, and dreams. We are all free to voice our thoughts on issues. But, we shouldn't be free to push others down in the process of it all. If you are demeaning others while in the process of standing for your beliefs – are you really honoring yourself in the public eye?
Us humans forget what it’s like to not agree with someone on strong issues because we don’t talk about these things...mainly because we are told as children to not talk about religion or politics. This is why we don’t know how to act towards others when their views are south of our own. We have forgotten what it means to honor those around us for what they stand for, even if we don’t stand for it. Our peers were all created to think and act differently than us. We are not programmed to agree on issues like these, and that is what makes us unique creatures. I am merely here to say we need to learn how to accept others for what they believe in rather than demean them as a human being.
I am all for standing up for what you believe in, but watch your actions as you pursue this route. Take a moment and think about what you are going to say before you throw it on someone else. Keep in mind that we are all humans who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Keep in mind that we all are standing for something different, and that’s okay. Let your mind run as you wish, but don’t forget to look at the manner in which you do things too…something our society has truly forgotten in this political election.