Why Donna Meagle is Everything You Should Aspire to Be
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Why Donna Meagle is Everything You Should Aspire to Be

Treat yo' self.

Why Donna Meagle is Everything You Should Aspire to Be

If you have never seen NBC’s Parks and Recreation, you have heard the name Donna Meagle. Played by comedienne extraordinaire, Retta, Donna Meagle is one of the best characters currently on television. Donna is an office worker with a larger than life personality and expensive taste. Although Leslie Knope may be the show’s main character, Donna’s sassy attitude and frequent sexual innuendos always end up stealing the show.

Donna is fierce. She is comfortable with who she is. She exudes confidence. I could write for days on end as to why Donna Meagle should be your spiritual guru, but I narrowed it down to the top fifteen reasons.

1.She keeps it classy.

A member of Pawnee’s elite cigar club, The Pawnee Smokehouse, Donna knows what it feels like to rub elbows with the upper crust. Between her condo in Seattle and her family’s lake house in the foothills, Donna values her time and spends it lavishly. 

2. But she still knows how to turn up.

Two for Donna Meagle. You go, Donna Meagle.

3.She works hard, no matter the job.


Donna knows at the end of the day, it is all about the Benjamins. So if she has to sell 4,000 rubber nipples to make a check, she is going to sell 4,000 rubber nipples to make a check.

4. She wears what she wants, when she wants.

Rhinestones? Check. Faux fur? Got it. Donna does not worry about conforming to fashion norms because at the end of the day, she knows she looks good in anything. 

5. Her social media game is on point.

Donna is queen of the retweets. She understands the importance of her online presence, and you will never catch her slippin.’ 

6. And she never apologizes for her posts. 

She don’t tweet to please, y’all. You won’t find Donna begging for followers or liking her own Instagram pictures.

7. She is an avid reader. 

"Twilight," "Fifty Shades" -- you name, it she’s reading it. Donna understands that the best people are well read people. She is equal parts beauty and brains, and she won’t let you forget it.

8. She appreciates all fandoms. 

Donna understands the importance of staying culturally relevant. You don’t like Downton Abbey? Your loss. Dr. Who is too dorky for you? If you say so. You don’t watch Game of Thrones? Have you seen those Dothraki dudes?

9. She is a fierce Shondaland supporter.

Donna has her girl, Shonda Rhimes’ back through thick and thin, whether she is dreaming of McSteamy or binge watching Scandal. Just call her Donna Pope. 

10. She gives the best advice.

Donna keeps it real with her friends, and always gives her opinion. She is a great listener and an even greater friend. She is the friend who will always tell you what you need to hear, regardless if you want to hear it or not. 

11. She has no problem with confrontation. 

If you piss Donna off, you are going to know it. She does not care if she steps on your toes. She will not hesitate to stand up for herself, or tell you when you are being a huge jerk. 

12. She understands exactly what she deserves.

You want to split the bill? Boy, please. Bye.

13. She’s festive AF.

Donna will celebrate anything. Christmas? Hanukkah? Boxing Day? You name it, Donna is throwing the themed party. 

14. She takes time to appreciate the people she loves.

It is rare to catch Donna in her feelings, but when she is it is genuine. She’s vocal about the love she has for her friends and goes to extensive lengths to show it.

And finally...

15. She knows what it means to truly "Treat Yo Self."

Work hard, play hard, right? You deserve to eat cake for breakfast and Donna gets that. Your mental health is important, and what better way to self medicate than with some good old-fashioned retail therapy? 

Want more Donna? Watch Parks and Recreation every Tuesday 8/7 Central on NBC.

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