I know this is my personal opinion, but please leave the comments and harsh words to a minimum and hear me out.
When I first heard Donald Trump was running for president, I honestly didn’t believe it. How could someone with no political experience run for president? How did he get this far? It was absurd, ridiculous, a joke. It’s not a joke anymore, and no one is laughing—everyone is scared.
Scared because the things this man has said and the actions he has taken make him unfit to be President of the United States. He has failed at being a businessman, so why would anyone think letting him run the country would be any different? He has mocked the disabled and even downgraded women by saying “grab them by the pussy”. He believes global warming is a hoax and that everything is “rigged”. He is a man who has sexually assaulted dozens of women and who doesn’t even have the decency to admit when he has done something wrong--a man who wants to eliminate a whole religion and build a wall around America. Can someone explain why he will be a good president?
The list of the many things Donald Trump has said and done could go on and on, yet so many people support him. It just frustrates me. America is a place where so many people wanted to come and be free, and when he comes into office, that freedom will be ripped from us. He is just a puppet distracting us and saying what we want to hear.
He’s like a manager at McDonald’s wanting to become a doctor and having no clue what it really takes to become one. It’s sad that as Americans many of us have bought into his lies and make-believe world where if you ignore something it just doesn’t exist. It’s not that easy.
We are America. We broke off of England and became our own country. We became badasses, and for a while people migrated to America, to the great land. We were the place where religion, sexuality, race and gender doesn’t matter. So no, Donald Trump, we don’t need to make America great again because it already has been. We may have lost our way, but from the beginning we have always been great. I’m sorry you couldn’t see that.
I am honestly ashamed to call myself an American citizen after hearing the results of this election.
I hope this is a wake-up call to America. Everyone who has voted for Trump may think they are doing the right thing, but electing Donald Trump as president is just showing how idiotic Americans have become. Going from a president who has fixed so much when he was given crap to one who is just going to do whatever he wants because of power and money is scary. I hope people realize that if they aren’t a white Christian male, they are worthless in his eyes. I know this is going to backfire on us, badly.