I'm assuming that you've heard of Donald Trump. I sincerely hope that we have all heard about him, so that we can all be aware of his hateful ways. In case you missed it, he's running as a Republican candidate in the current Presidential Election. He's had a few beyond racist and arrogant moments up to date that lead me to believe he doesn't deserve to be the leader of our country. Oh, and one more thing. If you're a Trump fan, I suggest you stop reading now.
Trump is known across the world as a wealthy, successful business mogul in today's society. I personally think he's using his popularity in his favor. I truly think that people are believing in what he says and voting for him simply because he is so well-known. I am scared for the future of our nation should Trump win this election.
Trump has repeatedly generalized specific races such as Latinos and African Americans. He has targeted these races and depicted each race as a whole in a negative light. Instead of ushering in equality for our country, he is backpedaling with his racist ideals and closed-mindedness. It's no secret that gay marriage was recently legalized, and Trump has even spoken against the LGBT community several times. It's almost as if Trump is working to rewind the progress that has been made in our great nation.
I truly believe that Trump's arrogance is below that of a true leader's values. He thinks so highly of himself, and I would honestly prefer a much more humble leader. I believe our President should be someone who puts their country's values at the top of their list. Trump constantly talks about himself, his success and his money. While I do realize that money talks as much as it makes the world go 'round, I don't believe that a President or presidential candidate should be so into how full his bank account is.
I may not be the most versed on current events, science, politics and other worldly ideals, but I guarantee you that neither is Trump. While he may have an impressive education and business background, we need to remember that a significant amount of his monetary value was inherited. Most of his other money comes from hosting a television show. That's right. We have American people who are standing behind a reality TV host to lead our country. It just doesn't make sense. I hope that his followers soon catch their heads and realize that Trump is nowhere near the ideal candidate.
Many of his supporters say that he is straight forward and will tackle the issues that matter most. Please don't confuse his "straight forward" attitude for being irrational and and impulsive. Google any recent debate or speech that Trump has given. He almost always loses track of what he's saying due to an unexpected outburst of hatred toward silent protesters or a specific group of people. America deserves a President that is level-headed, humble, open-minded and intelligent. I truly hope that other candidates pull ahead in this race, so that our country can be saved from Trump's tragic leadership.